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post [ˈpoʊst]

1 post noun
  • a piece of wood or metal that is set in an upright position into or on the ground especially as a support or marker
  • a pole that marks the starting or finishing point of a horse race—usually singular
  • goalpost—usually singular

2 post verb
  • to put up (a sign, notice, etc.) so that it can be seen by many people
  • to make (something) officially known to many people
  • to add (a message) to an online message board

3 post noun
  • postal service
  • letters or packages sent by post : mail
  • a message on an online message board —called also posting

4 post noun
  • the place where a soldier or guard is told to be
  • the place where someone does a job
  • a place where soldiers are sent to live for a period of time : camp

5 post verb
  • to assign (someone, such as a guard) to stand or stay at a particular place
  • to send (someone) to a place to work for a long period of time as part of a job—usually + to —usually used as (be) posted