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back [ˈbæk]

1 back noun
  • the rear part of the body : the part of the body that is opposite to the stomach and chest and that goes from the neck to the top of the legs
  • the part of an animal that is like a person's back
  • the side or surface of something that is opposite the front or face : the rear side or surface of something—usually singular

2 back adverb
  • in, toward, or at the back or rear
  • to, toward, or in the place where someone or something was previously
  • in or into the past : backward in time; also : ago

3 back adjective
  • of or relating to the back : located at the back
  • far from a central or main area
  • not yet paid : owed from an earlier time

4 back verb
  • to give help to (someone) : support
  • to bet on (someone or something)
  • to provide evidence that supports (something)