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danger noun [ˈdeɪnʤɚ]
  • the possibility that you will be hurt or killed
  • the possibility that something unpleasant or bad will happen
  • a person or thing that is likely to cause injury, pain, harm, or loss
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moralist noun [ˈmorəlɪst]
  • a person who has strong feelings and opinions about what is right and who tries to control the moral behavior of other people
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tedious adjective [ˈtiːdijəs]
  • boring and too slow or long
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toilet noun [ˈtoɪlət]
  • a large bowl attached to a pipe that is used for getting rid of bodily waste and then flushed with water
  • bathroom
  • the act or process of washing and dressing yourself
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root noun [ˈruːt]
  • the part of a plant that grows underground, gets water from the ground, and holds the plant in place
  • the part of a tooth, hair, fingernail, etc., that is attached to the body
  • the cause or source of something—usually singular
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bush noun [ˈbʊʃ]
  • a plant that has stems of wood and is smaller than a tree
  • a thick growth of hair or fur
  • a large area (such as in Australia or Africa) that has not been cleared and that is not used for farming
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sprout verb [ˈspraʊt]
  • to produce new leaves, buds, etc.
  • to grow or develop (something)
  • to appear suddenly and in large numbers—often + up
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portrait noun [ˈpoɚtrət]
  • a painting, drawing, or photograph of a person that usually only includes the person's head and shoulders
  • a detailed description of something or someone
  • a way of printing a page so that the shorter sides are on the top and bottom and the longer sides are on the left and right
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detail noun [dɪˈteɪl]
  • a small part of something
  • the small parts of something
  • a particular fact or piece of information about something or someone
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costume noun [ˈkɑːˌstuːm]
  • the clothes that are worn by someone (such as an actor) who is trying to look like a different person or thing
  • the clothes worn by a group of people especially during a particular time in the past
  • swimsuit
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large adjective [ˈlɑɚʤ]
  • great in size or amount : big
  • not limited in importance, range, etc.
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shock noun [ˈʃɑːk]
  • a sudden usually unpleasant or upsetting feeling caused by something unexpected—usually singular —often + of
  • something unexpected that causes a sudden usually unpleasant or upsetting feeling—usually singular
  • a state in which you are experiencing a sudden usually unpleasant or upsetting feeling because of something unexpected
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prey noun [ˈpreɪ]
  • an animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food
  • someone who is easily harmed or affected in a bad way by someone or something : victim
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act noun [ˈækt]
  • something that is done
  • a law made by a group of legislators
  • one of the main divisions of a play or opera
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flash verb [ˈflæʃ]
  • to shine or give off bright light suddenly or in repeated bursts
  • to appear quickly or suddenly
  • to move or pass very quickly
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daybreak noun [ˈdeɪˌbreɪk]
  • the time of day when sunlight first begins to appear
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leather noun [ˈlɛðɚ]
  • animal skin that is chemically treated to preserve it and that is used in making clothes, shoes, furniture, etc.
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muzzle noun [ˈmʌzəl]
  • the usually long nose and mouth of an animal (such as a dog, horse, or pig) : snout
  • a covering for the mouth of a dog that stops it from biting people
  • the hole at the end of a gun where the bullet comes out