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plant noun [ˈplænt]
  • a living thing that grows in the ground, usually has leaves or flowers, and needs sun and water to survive
  • a building or factory where something is made
  • the land, buildings, and equipment of an organization
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point noun [ˈpoɪnt]
  • an idea that you try to make other people accept or understand
  • a particular detail of an idea or argument
  • the main or most important idea of something that is said or written
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torment noun [ˈtoɚˌmɛnt]
  • extreme physical or mental pain
  • something that causes extreme physical or mental pain
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petal noun [ˈpɛtl̟]
  • one of the soft, colorful parts of a flower
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hammer noun [ˈhæmɚ]
  • a tool that has a heavy metal head attached to a handle and that is used for hitting nails or breaking things apart
  • a similar tool made usually of wood and used especially for hitting a surface to make a loud noise
  • the part of a gun that strikes a charge causing the gun to shoot
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meditation noun [ˌmɛdəˈteɪʃən]
  • the act or process of spending time in quiet thought : the act or process of meditating
  • an expression of a person's thoughts on something—often + on or upon —often plural
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silent adjective [ˈsaɪlənt]
  • not speaking or making noise : quiet
  • tending not to talk much
  • not having or making any sound or noise
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sad adjective [ˈsæd]
  • not happy : feeling or showing grief or unhappiness
  • causing a feeling of grief or unhappiness
  • causing feelings of disappointment or pity
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noon noun [ˈnuːn]
  • the middle of the day : 12 o'clock in the daytime —often used before another noun
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lesson noun [ˈlɛsn̩]
  • an activity that you do in order to learn something; also : something that is taught
  • a single class or part of a course of instruction
  • something learned through experience
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spread verb [ˈsprɛd]
  • to open, arrange, or place (something) over a large area —often + out
  • to place (things) over a large area
  • to become larger or to affect a larger area : to move into more places
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infest verb [ɪnˈfɛst]
  • to be in or over (a place, an animal, etc.) in large numbers —often used as (be) infested
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destroy verb [dɪˈstroɪ]
  • to cause (something) to end or no longer exist : to cause the destruction of (something) : to damage (something) so badly that it cannot be repaired
  • to kill (an animal) especially because it is sick, injured, or dangerous
  • to defeat (someone or something) easily or completely
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sprig noun [ˈsprɪg]
  • a small twig or stem that has leaves or flowers on it
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radish noun [ˈrædɪʃ]
  • a small, round vegetable that is red or white, is eaten raw in salads, and has a sharp spicy taste; also : the plant that produces this vegetable
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among preposition [əˈmʌŋ]
  • in or through (a group of people or things)
  • in the presence of (a group of people)
  • —used to talk about the opinions, feelings, etc., of a group of people
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information noun [ˌɪnfɚˈmeɪʃən]
  • knowledge that you get about someone or something : facts or details about a subject
  • a service that telephone users can call to find out the telephone number for a specified person or organization : directory assistance