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reveal verb [rɪˈviːl]
  • to make (something) known
  • to show or prove that (someone or something) is a particular type of person or thing—often + to be —often + as
  • to show (something) plainly or clearly : to make (something that was hidden) able to be seen
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drop noun [ˈdrɑːp]
  • a very small amount of liquid that falls in a rounded shape —often + of
  • a small amount of a drink—usually singular
  • a small amount of something (such as a quality)
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swallow verb [ˈswɑːloʊ]
  • to take (something) into your stomach through your mouth and throat
  • to move the muscles in your throat as if you are swallowing something often because you are nervous —sometimes used figuratively
  • to flow over and cover (something) completely—often + up —often used figuratively
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copy noun [ˈkɑːpi]
  • something that is or looks exactly or almost exactly like something else : a version of something that is identical or almost identical to the original —often + of
  • one of the many books, magazines, albums, DVDs, etc., that are exactly the same and are produced to be sold or given to the public —often + of
  • written information that is to be published in a newspaper, magazine, etc.
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about adverb [əˈbaʊt]
  • almost or nearly
  • —used to indicate that a number, amount, time, etc., is not exact or certain
  • very close to doing something—followed by to + verb —often used with not to stress that someone will not do something
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me pronoun [ˈmiː]
  • —used to refer to the speaker as the indirect object or direct object of a verb —used to refer to the speaker as the object of a preposition
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ram noun [ˈræm]
  • an adult male sheep
  • a piece of machinery that is used to hit or lift something else
  • battering ram
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bend verb [ˈbɛnd]
  • to use force to cause (something, such as a wire or pipe) to become curved
  • to curve out of a straight line or position —sometimes used figuratively
  • to move your body so that it is not straight
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level noun [ˈlɛvəl]
  • a specific height
  • a part of a building that is at a specific height
  • an amount of something
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airplane noun [ˈeɚˌpleɪn]
  • a machine that has wings and an engine and that flies through the air —called also plane, aeroplane
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zoo noun [ˈzuː]
  • a place where many kinds of animals are kept so that people can see them
  • a place, situation, or group that is crowded, loud, and uncontrolled
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zone noun [ˈzoʊn]
  • an area that is different from other areas in a particular way
  • one of the sections in a city or town that is used for a particular purpose
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zebra noun [ˈziːbrə]
  • an African animal that looks like a horse and has black and white stripes covering its body
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young adjective [ˈjʌŋ]
  • in an early stage of life, growth, or development : not yet old
  • recently formed, produced, started, etc.
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yesterday noun [ˈjɛstɚˌdeɪ]
  • the day before today
  • a time in the past : the time of previous years
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yes adverb [ˈjɛs]
  • —used to give a positive answer or reply to a question, request, or offer
  • —used to express agreement with an earlier statement or to say that statement is true
  • —used to introduce a statement that corrects or disagrees with an earlier negative statement
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yellow adjective [ˈjɛloʊ]
  • having the color of the sun or of ripe lemons
  • afraid in a way that makes you unable to do what is right or expected : cowardly
  • containing news that is meant to shock people and that is not true or is only partly true
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yell verb [ˈjɛl]
  • to say (something) very loudly especially because you are angry, surprised, or are trying to get someone's attention —often + at —often + out
  • to make a sudden, loud cry —often + out