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year noun [ˈjiɚ]
  • a unit of time that is equal to 12 months or 365 or sometimes 366 days
  • the regular period of 12 months that begins in January and ends in December
  • —used to refer to the age of a person
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yawn verb [ˈjɑːn]
  • to open your mouth wide while taking in breath usually because you are tired or bored
  • to be deep, large, etc.
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yard noun [ˈjɑɚd]
  • an outdoor area that is next to a house and is usually covered by grass
  • the land around a building
  • an area with buildings and equipment that is used for a particular activity
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write verb [ˈraɪt]
  • to form letters or numbers on a surface with a pen, pencil, etc.
  • to create (a book, poem, story, etc.) by writing words on paper, on a computer, etc.
  • to produce (a written document, agreement, rule, etc.) by writing —often + up
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worm noun [ˈwɚm]
  • a long, thin animal that has a soft body with no legs or bones and that often lives in the ground
  • the young form of some insects that looks like a small worm
  • a person who is not liked or respected : a very bad person
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world noun [ˈwɚld]
  • the earth and all the people and things on it
  • a part of the world and the people and things that exist there
  • human society
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work verb [ˈwɚk]
  • to have a job
  • to do things as part of your job
  • to do work in, on, or at (an area, event, etc.)
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word noun [ˈwɚd]
  • a sound or combination of sounds that has a meaning and is spoken or written
  • a brief remark or conversation : something that a person says
  • an order or command
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wood noun [ˈwʊd]
  • the hard substance that makes up the stems and branches of trees and shrubs
  • an area of land covered with many trees
  • a thick growth of trees and bushes that covers a wide area : forest
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woman noun [ˈwʊmən]
  • an adult female human being —often used before another noun
  • a woman who has a specified job or position —usually used in combination
  • all women thought of as a group
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wolf noun [ˈwʊlf]
  • a large wild animal that is similar to a dog and that often hunts in groups
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wobbly adjective [ˈwɑːbəli]
  • moving from side to side in an unsteady way
  • not strong or steady
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wise adjective [ˈwaɪz]
  • having or showing wisdom or knowledge usually from learning or experiencing many things
  • based on good reasoning or information : showing good sense or judgment
  • saying things that are rude or insulting
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wisdom noun [ˈwɪzdəm]
  • knowledge that is gained by having many experiences in life
  • the natural ability to understand things that most other people cannot understand
  • knowledge of what is proper or reasonable : good sense or judgment
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wiry adjective [ˈwajɚri]
  • very thin but strong and muscular
  • stiff like wire
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wire noun [ˈwajɚ]
  • a thin, flexible thread of metal
  • a thread of metal that is covered with plastic, rubber, etc., and used to send or receive electricity or electrical signals
  • a small microphone that is worn under clothing in order to secretly record a conversation
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wing noun [ˈwɪŋ]
  • a part of an animal's body that is used for flying or gliding
  • the wing of a bird and especially a chicken eaten as food—often plural
  • one of usually two long, flat parts of an airplane that extend from the sides and make it possible for the airplane to fly
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window noun [ˈwɪndoʊ]
  • an opening in a wall, door, etc., that usually contains a sheet of glass
  • a sheet of glass that covers an opening in a building, vehicle, etc.
  • a large window at the front of a store where goods are displayed so that they can be seen by people who are walking past
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wind noun [ˈwɪnd]
  • a natural movement of air outside
  • something that has force or influence
  • the ability to breathe normally
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wild adjective [ˈwajəld]
  • living in nature without human control or care : not tame
  • growing or produced in nature : not grown or farmed by people
  • not changed by people : not settled or developed