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pork noun [ˈpoɚk]
  • the meat of a pig that is used for food
  • government money that is spent on projects done to help the political careers of elected officials
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poor adjective [ˈpuɚ]
  • having little money or few possessions : not having enough money for the basic things that people need to live properly
  • having a very small amount of something —often + in
  • not good in quality or condition : bad
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pool noun [ˈpuːl]
  • swimming pool
  • a small area of water
  • a small amount of liquid or light that is on a surface—often + of —sometimes used figuratively
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police noun [pəˈliːs]
  • the people or the department of people who enforce laws, investigate crimes, and make arrests —often used before another noun
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pole noun [ˈpoʊl]
  • a long, straight piece of wood, metal, etc., that is often placed in the ground so that it stands straight up
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poke verb [ˈpoʊk]
  • to push your finger or something thin or pointed into or at someone or something —often + at
  • to make (a hole) in something by pushing something sharp or pointed through or into it—usually + in
  • to stick out so that a part can be seen —often + out —often + through —often + out
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plum noun [ˈplʌm]
  • a round, juicy fruit that has red or purple skin, sweet yellow flesh, and a hard seed at the center
  • something that many people want or think is very good —usually used before another noun
  • a dark reddish-purple color
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please adverb [ˈpliːz]
  • —used to ask for something in a polite way
  • —used to show that a request is serious or important
  • —used as a polite way of saying yes
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planet noun [ˈplænət]
  • a large, round object in space (such as the Earth) that travels around a star (such as the sun)
  • the planet Earth
  • —used in informal phrases to say that someone is not aware of what is really happening or has ideas that are not realistic or practical
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plan noun [ˈplæn]
  • a set of actions that have been thought of as a way to do or achieve something —often + for
  • something that a person intends to do —often plural
  • a detailed agreement for telephone service, medical care, insurance, etc.
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plain adjective [ˈpleɪn]
  • having no pattern or decoration
  • not having any added or extra things
  • easy to see or understand
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place noun [ˈpleɪs]
  • a specific area or region of the world : a particular city, country, etc.
  • a building or area that is used for a particular purpose
  • a building, part of a building, or area that is used for shelter
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pile noun [ˈpajəl]
  • a group of things that are put one on top of another —often + of
  • a very large amount of something
  • a large amount of money
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pig noun [ˈpɪg]
  • an animal that has a fat body with short legs, a small tail, and a wide nose and that is raised on a farm or lives in the wild
  • someone who eats a lot of food especially at one time
  • someone who selfishly wants or takes more than other people
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piece noun [ˈpiːs]
  • an amount that is cut or separated from a larger section of something —often + of
  • an amount of something considered separately from the rest—+ of
  • a small often broken part of something
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pie noun [ˈpaɪ]
  • a food that consists of a pastry crust that is filled with fruit, meat, etc.
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picture noun [ˈpɪktʃɚ]
  • a painting, drawing, or photograph of someone or something
  • an idea of how something or someone looks, of what something is like, etc.—usually singular
  • a general situation
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pickle noun [ˈpɪkəl]
  • a cucumber that is preserved in salt water or vinegar
  • a thick, cold sauce made of chopped vegetables preserved in vinegar
  • an unpleasant or difficult situation—usually used in the phrase in a pickle