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pick verb [ˈpɪk]
  • to choose or select (someone or something) from a group
  • to remove (a fruit, flower, etc.) from a plant especially by using your hand
  • to remove unwanted material from (something) by using your finger, a small tool, etc.
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piano noun [piˈænoʊ]
  • a large musical instrument with a keyboard that you play by pressing black and white keys and that produces sound when small hammers inside the piano hit steel wires
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philosopher noun [fəˈlɑːsəfɚ]
  • a person who studies ideas about knowledge, truth, the nature and meaning of life, etc. : a person who studies philosophy
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pest noun [ˈpɛst]
  • an animal or insect that causes problems for people especially by damaging crops —often used before another noun
  • a person who bothers or annoys other people
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person noun [ˈpɚsn̩]
  • a human being —sometimes used in compounds to avoid using man or woman
  • a person who likes or enjoys something specified
  • the body or clothing of a person especially when considered as a place to hide things
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people noun [ˈpiːpəl]
  • individual human beings
  • human beings as a group : all or most people
  • a group of people who share a quality, interest, etc. —often used in compounds
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penguin noun [ˈpɛŋgwən]
  • a black-and-white bird that cannot fly, that uses its wings for swimming, and that lives in or near the Antarctic
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pencil noun [ˈpɛnsəl]
  • an instrument used for writing and drawing that has a hard outer part and a black or colored center part —often used before another noun
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peel verb [ˈpiːl]
  • to remove the skin from (a fruit, vegetable, etc.)
  • to remove (a covering, shell, etc.) from something —often + from —often + off
  • to come off in pieces
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peek verb [ˈpiːk]
  • to look at someone or something secretly especially from a hidden place
  • to look at something briefly
  • to show slightly : to be slightly visible—usually + out
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pearl noun [ˈpɚl]
  • a hard, shiny, white ball that is formed inside the shell of an oyster and that is often used as jewelry
  • mother-of-pearl
  • something that is shaped like a pearl
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peanut noun [ˈpiːˌnʌt]
  • a nut with a thin shell that grows under the ground and that can be eaten —often used before another noun —called also (British) groundnut
  • a very small amount of money
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peacock noun [ˈpiːˌkɑːk]
  • a large male bird that has a very long bright blue and green tail that it can lift up and spread apart like a fan
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peach noun [ˈpiːtʃ]
  • a round, sweet fruit that has white or yellow flesh, soft yellow or pink skin, and a large, hard seed at the center
  • a yellowish-pink color
  • a person or thing that is liked or admired very much
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pasture noun [ˈpæstʃɚ]
  • a large area of land where animals feed on the grass
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past adjective [ˈpæst]
  • having existed in a time before the present : from, done, or used in an earlier time
  • —used to refer to a time that has gone by recently
  • —used to say what someone or something was in the past
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passage noun [ˈpæsɪʤ]
  • a long, narrow space that connects one place to another
  • a narrow space that people or things can move through
  • an act of moving or passing from one place or state to another
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party noun [ˈpɑɚti]
  • a social event in which entertainment, food, and drinks are provided —often used before another noun
  • an organization of people who have similar political beliefs and ideas and who work to have their members elected to positions in the government
  • a person who is involved in a legal case or contract
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part noun [ˈpɑɚt]
  • one of the pieces, sections, qualities, etc., that make or form something —often + of
  • one of the pieces that are put together to form a machine
  • one of the pieces or areas of the body of a plant or animal