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history noun [ˈhɪstəri]
  • the study of past events
  • events of the past
  • past events that relate to a particular subject, place, organization, etc.
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hiss noun [ˈhɪs]
  • a sound like a long "s"
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hippopotamus noun [ˌhɪpəˈpɑːtəməs]
  • a large African animal that has an extremely large head and mouth and short legs and that spends most of its time in water
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hill noun [ˈhɪl]
  • a usually rounded area of land that is higher than the land around it but that is not as high as a mountain
  • an area of sloping ground on a road, path, etc.
  • a pile of something : heap mound
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high adjective [ˈhaɪ]
  • rising or extending upward a great distance
  • extending or reaching upward more than other things of the same kind
  • located far above the ground or another surface
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hide verb [ˈhaɪd]
  • to put (something) in a place where it cannot be seen or found
  • to prevent (something) from being seen
  • to go to or stay at a place where you cannot be seen or found —sometimes used figuratively
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here adverb [ˈhiɚ]
  • in this place : at this location —used in speech when something is found
  • to or into this place
  • at this point in a process, activity, story, etc.
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herb noun [ˈɚb]
  • a plant or a part of a plant that is used as medicine or to give flavor to food
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help verb [ˈhɛlp]
  • to do something that makes it easier for someone to do a job, to deal with a problem, etc. : to aid or assist someone
  • to make something less severe : to make something more pleasant or easier to deal with —often followed by to + verb
  • to give (yourself or another person) food or drink —often + to
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hedgehog noun [ˈhɛʤˌhɑːg]
  • a small, brown animal of Europe, Asia, and Africa that has sharp spines on its back and that can roll itself up into a ball
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heaven noun [ˈhɛvən]
  • the place where God lives and where good people go after they die according to some religions
  • something that is very pleasant or good
  • the sky
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head noun [ˈhɛd]
  • the part of the body containing the brain, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth
  • a person's mental ability : mind or intellect
  • a person who has a specified mental or emotional quality
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hazel noun [ˈheɪzəl]
  • a kind of bush or small tree that produces nuts
  • a color that combines light brown with green and gray
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hate noun [ˈheɪt]
  • a very strong feeling of dislike —sometimes used before another noun
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hat noun [ˈhæt]
  • a covering for the head that often has a brim and a rounded or flat top
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hard adjective [ˈhɑɚd]
  • very firm or solid : not easy to bend, cut, etc. : not soft
  • physically or mentally difficult : not easy
  • difficult to experience : severe or harsh : having a lot of pain, trouble, or worries
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happy adjective [ˈhæpi]
  • feeling pleasure and enjoyment because of your life, situation, etc.
  • showing or causing feelings of pleasure and enjoyment
  • pleased or glad about a particular situation, event, etc.
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happen verb [ˈhæpən]
  • to take place especially without being planned : occur
  • to do or be something by chance—followed by to + verb
  • —used with it to describe something that occurs by chance