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font noun [ˈfɑːnt]
  • a container that holds the water which is used for baptizing a child
  • a source from which something comes : fount
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follow verb [ˈfɑːloʊ]
  • to go or come after or behind (someone or something)
  • to go after or behind (someone) secretly and watch to find out what happens
  • to come after (something) in time or place or as part of a series
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focus noun [ˈfoʊkəs]
  • a subject that is being discussed or studied : the subject on which people's attention is focused—usually singular
  • a main purpose or interest
  • a point at which rays of light, heat, or sound meet or from which they move apart or appear to move apart; especially : the point at which an image is formed by a mirror, a lens, etc.
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fly verb [ˈflaɪ]
  • to move through the air with wings
  • to move through the air especially at a high speed —often used figuratively
  • to control an airplane, helicopter, etc., as it moves through the air : to be the pilot of an aircraft
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flower noun [ˈflawɚ]
  • the part of a plant that is often brightly colored, that usually lasts a short time, and from which the seed or fruit develops —sometimes used figuratively.
  • a small plant that is grown for its beautiful flowers
  • a cut stem of a plant with its flower
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floor noun [ˈfloɚ]
  • the part of a room on which you stand
  • the lower inside surface of something (such as a vehicle)
  • the area of ground at the bottom of something—usually singular
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flock noun [ˈflɑːk]
  • a group of birds or animals (such as sheep)
  • a large number of people
  • the members of a church
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flea noun [ˈfliː]
  • a very small insect that lives on animals and that has strong legs used for jumping
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flag noun [ˈflæg]
  • a piece of cloth with a special design that is used as a symbol of a nation or group
  • a piece of cloth used as a signal or to attract attention
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fix verb [ˈfɪks]
  • to make (something) whole or able to work properly again : to repair (something)
  • to deal with or correct (a problem)
  • to attach (something) in such a way that it will not move : to connect or join (things) physically —sometimes used figuratively
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five noun [ˈfaɪv]
  • the number 5
  • the fifth in a set or series
  • five o'clock
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fit adjective [ˈfɪt]
  • proper or acceptable : morally or socially correct—often + for —often followed by to + verb
  • suitable for a specified purpose—often + for —often followed by to + verb
  • physically healthy and strong
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fish noun [ˈfɪʃ]
  • a cold-blooded animal that lives in water, breathes with gills, and usually has fins and scales
  • the meat of a fish eaten as food
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first adjective [ˈfɚst]
  • coming before all others in time, order, or importance
  • —used to refer to the lowest forward gear or speed of a vehicle
  • having or playing the main part in a group of instruments
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firmament noun [ˈfɚməmənt]
  • the sky —sometimes used figuratively to refer to an area of interest or activity
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fire noun [ˈfajɚ]
  • the light and heat and especially the flame produced by burning
  • an occurrence in which something burns : the destruction of something (such as a building or a forest) by fire
  • a controlled occurrence of fire created by burning something (such as wood or gas) in a special area (such as in a fireplace or stove)
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finish verb [ˈfɪnɪʃ]
  • to reach the end of (something) : to stop doing (something) because it is completed
  • to be done with building or creating (something)
  • to cause something to end or stop : to reach the end of something
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find verb [ˈfaɪnd]
  • to discover (something or someone) without planning or trying to : to discover (something or someone) by chance
  • to get or discover (something or someone that you are looking for)
  • to discover or learn (something) by studying about it
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fiery adjective [ˈfajəri]
  • having or producing fire
  • tasting very hot and spicy
  • having or showing a lot of strong and angry emotion