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bold adjective [ˈboʊld]
  • not afraid of danger or difficult situations
  • showing or needing confidence or lack of fear
  • very confident in a way that may seem rude or foolish
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boil verb [ˈbojəl]
  • to become so hot that bubbles are formed in a liquid and rise to the top
  • to heat (a liquid or a container with liquid in it) so that bubbles are formed and rise to the top
  • to cook (something) in water that is boiling
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boat noun [ˈboʊt]
  • a small vehicle that is used for traveling on water
  • a vehicle of any size that is used for traveling on water
  • a long and narrow container that is used for serving a sauce with a meal
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boa noun [ˈbowə]
  • boa constrictor
  • a long scarf that is made of fur, feathers, or cloth
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blueberry noun [ˈbluːˌberi]
  • a small round fruit with blue, purple, or blackish skin —often used before another noun
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blue adjective [ˈbluː]
  • having the color of the clear sky
  • sad or unhappy
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blow verb [ˈbloʊ]
  • to move with speed or force
  • to cause (air or something carried by air) to move
  • to be moved or affected in a specified way by the wind
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blink verb [ˈblɪŋk]
  • to close and then open your eyes very quickly
  • to shine with a light that goes on and off
  • to show that you are surprised or upset
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blaze noun [ˈbleɪz]
  • an intense and dangerous fire
  • a very bright area of light or color
  • a sudden appearance or expression of something : outburst
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blanket noun [ˈblæŋkət]
  • a covering made of cloth that is used especially on a bed to keep you warm
  • a mass of something that covers an area
  • a general mood—usually singular
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black adjective [ˈblæk]
  • having the very dark color of coal or the night sky
  • very dark because there is no light
  • of or relating to a race of people who have dark skin and who come originally from Africa
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bite verb [ˈbaɪt]
  • to press down on or cut into (someone or something) with the teeth —often + off —often + down, into, or through
  • to wound (someone) by pushing a stinger, fang, etc., into the skin —sometimes used figuratively
  • to grab and hold something without slipping—usually + into
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bird noun [ˈbɚd]
  • an animal that has wings and is covered with feathers
  • person
  • girl
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big adjective [ˈbɪg]
  • large in size
  • large in number or amount
  • involving or including many people, things, etc.
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between preposition [bɪˈtwiːn]
  • in the space that separates (two things or people) —often used figuratively —often used in the phrase in between
  • in the time that separates (two actions, events, etc.) —often used in the phrase in between
  • —used to indicate the beginning and ending points of a group of numbers, a range of measurement, etc. —sometimes used in the phrase in between
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better adjective [ˈbɛtɚ]
  • higher in quality
  • more skillful
  • more attractive, appealing, effective, useful, etc.
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best adjective [ˈbɛst]
  • better than all others in quality or value
  • most skillful, talented, or successful
  • most appropriate, useful, or helpful
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bench noun [ˈbɛntʃ]
  • a long and usually hard seat for two or more people
  • the place where a judge sits in a court of law
  • the position or rank of a judge
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belong verb [bɪˈlɑːŋ]
  • —used to say that someone or something should be in a particular place or situation
  • to be accepted and liked by the other people in a group