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asleep adjective [əˈsliːp]
  • in a state of sleep : sleeping
  • lacking any feeling
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ask verb [ˈæsk]
  • to say or write something to someone as a way of gaining information : to request an answer to a question —often + about —often + if or whether —often + why, what, etc. —often + about
  • to tell someone in the form of a question that you want to be given something or that you want something to happen : to request something —often + for —often + for —often + if or whether —often + that —often followed by to + verb
  • to invite (someone) to go somewhere or do something
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ash noun [ˈæʃ]
  • the soft gray powder that remains after something (such as a cigarette or wood) has been completely burned and destroyed by fire
  • the burned parts that remain when something is destroyed —often used figuratively
  • the remains of a dead human body after it has been burned or cremated
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arrow noun [ˈeroʊ]
  • a weapon that is made to be shot from a bow and that is usually a stick with a point at one end and feathers at the other end
  • a mark (such as →) that is shaped like an arrow and that is used to show direction
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around adverb [əˈraʊnd]
  • in a circle
  • in, along, or through a curving path
  • —used to indicate a measurement that is made along the outer surface of something circular
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arm noun [ˈɑɚm]
  • either one of the two long body parts that join the top of your body at the shoulder and that end at the hand or wrist
  • the part of a piece of clothing (such as a shirt or coat) that covers the arm : sleeve
  • a part of a piece of furniture (such as a chair or couch) that gives support for a person's arm
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arch noun [ˈɑɚtʃ]
  • a usually curved part of a structure that is over an opening and that supports a wall or other weight above the opening
  • the raised area on the bottom of the foot that is formed by a curved section of bones
  • something that has a curved shape
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apple noun [ˈæpəl]
  • a round fruit with red, yellow, or green skin and firm white flesh —often used before another noun
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apartment noun [əˈpɑɚtmənt]
  • a usually rented room or set of rooms that is part of a building and is used as a place to live
  • a large and impressive room or set of rooms—usually plural
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anything pronoun [ˈɛniˌθɪŋ]
  • a thing of any kind
  • something:1—used in questions
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anybody pronoun [ˈɛniˌbɑːdi]
  • any person : anyone
  • —used when asking a question that could be answered by any of the people in a group
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anvil noun [ˈænvəl]
  • a heavy iron block on which heated metal is shaped by hitting it with a hammer
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ant noun [ˈænt]
  • a kind of small insect that lives in an organized social group
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answer noun [ˈænsɚ]
  • something you say or write when someone asks you a question
  • a response to a question that is meant to show whether or not you know something (such as a question asked as part of an exam)
  • the correct response to a question
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animation noun [ˌænəˈmeɪʃən]
  • a lively or excited quality
  • a way of making a movie by using a series of drawings, computer graphics, or photographs of objects (such as puppets or models) that are slightly different from one another and that when viewed quickly one after another create the appearance of movement
  • a movie or brief scene that is made this way
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animal noun [ˈænəməl]
  • a living thing that is not a human being or plant —often used to refer specifically to mammals as distinguished from other living things (such as fish and birds)
  • any living thing that is not a plant
  • a person who behaves in a wild, aggressive, or unpleasant way
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angry adjective [ˈæŋgri]
  • filled with anger : having a strong feeling of being upset or annoyed —often + at or with —often + about or over
  • showing anger
  • seeming to show anger : threatening or menacing
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angel noun [ˈeɪnʤəl]
  • a spiritual being that serves especially as a messenger from God or as a guardian of human beings
  • a person (such as a child) who is very good, kind, beautiful, etc.
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American noun [əˈmerəkən]
  • a person born, raised, or living in the U.S.
  • a person born, raised, or living in North America or South America