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weigh verb [ˈweɪ]
  • to find how heavy (someone or something) is : to measure the weight of (someone or something)
  • to have a specified weight
  • to think carefully about (something) in order to form an opinion or make a decision : consider —often + up
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simple adjective [ˈsɪmpəl]
  • not hard to understand or do
  • having few parts : not complex or fancy
  • not special or unusual : ordinary
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royal adjective [ˈrojəl]
  • of or relating to a king or queen
  • —used in names of organizations that are supported by or that serve a king or queen
  • suitable for a king or queen : elaborate or impressive
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remind verb [rɪˈmaɪnd]
  • to make (someone) think about something again : to cause (someone) to remember something
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recess noun [ˈriːˌsɛs]
  • a short period of time during the school day when children can play —called also (British) playtime
  • a usually brief period of time during which regular activity in a court of law or in a government stops
  • a dark, hidden place or part—usually plural—often + of
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rare adjective [ˈreɚ]
  • not common or usual : not often done, seen, or happening
  • having only a few of its kind in existence
  • not having much oxygen : rarefied
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quit verb [ˈkwɪt]
  • to leave (a job, school, career, etc.)
  • to stop doing (an action or activity)
  • to stop working
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publisher noun [ˈpʌblɪʃɚ]
  • a person or company that produces books, magazines, etc.
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practice verb []
  • to do something again and again in order to become better at it
  • to do (something) regularly or constantly as an ordinary part of your life
  • to live according to the customs and teachings of (a religion)
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possible adjective [ˈpɑːsəbəl]
  • able to be done
  • able to happen or exist
  • able or suited to be or to become something specified
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positive adjective [ˈpɑːzətɪv]
  • good or useful
  • thinking about the good qualities of someone or something : thinking that a good result will happen : hopeful or optimistic
  • completely certain or sure that something is correct or true
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polite adjective [pəˈlaɪt]
  • having or showing good manners or respect for other people
  • socially correct or proper
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ponytail noun [ˈpoʊniˌteɪl]
  • a way of arranging hair by gathering it together at the back of the head and letting it hang down freely
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phone noun [ˈfoʊn]
  • telephone: such as
  • a system that uses wires and radio signals to send people's voices over long distances
  • a device that is connected to a telephone system and that you use to listen or speak to someone who is somewhere else
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pay verb [ˈpeɪ]
  • to give money for goods or services —often + for
  • to give money to (someone) for goods or services —often followed by to + verb —sometimes + in
  • to give (something, such as an amount of money) for goods or services
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orphanage noun [ˈoɚfənɪʤ]
  • a place where children whose parents have died can live and be cared for : a home for orphans
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newsman noun [ˈnuːzmən]
  • a person (usually a man) who gathers, reports, or comments on the news
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negative adjective [ˈnɛgətɪv]
  • harmful or bad : not wanted
  • thinking about the bad qualities of someone or something : thinking that a bad result will happen : not hopeful or optimistic
  • expressing dislike or disapproval
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neat adjective [ˈniːt]
  • not messy : clean and orderly
  • liking to keep things very clean and orderly
  • simple and clever
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musical adjective [ˈmjuːzɪkəl]
  • of or relating to music
  • having the pleasing qualities of music
  • enjoying music : having a talent for playing music