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owner noun [ˈoʊnɚ]
  • a person or group that owns something —often used in combination
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outward adjective [ˈaʊtwɚd]
  • of or relating to the way that someone or something looks or seems on the outside
  • able to be seen
  • moving or directed away from something
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oink noun [ˈoɪŋk]
  • the sound made by a hog or pig
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noisy adjective [ˈnoɪzi]
  • making a lot of loud or unpleasant noise
  • full of loud or unpleasant noise
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news noun [ˈnuːz]
  • new information or a report about something that has happened recently
  • information that is reported in a newspaper, magazine, television news program, etc. —often used before another noun
  • someone or something that is exciting and in the news
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goody noun []
  • something that tastes good —usually plural
  • something that people want or like : something desirable
  • —used in speech especially by children or when talking to children to show excitement and pleasure
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fishy adjective [ˈfɪʃi]
  • of or relating to fish; especially : tasting or smelling like a fish
  • causing doubt or suspicion : likely to be bad, untrue, dishonest, etc.
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feed verb [ˈfiːd]
  • to give food to (someone or something)
  • to give (something) as food to someone or something —sometimes used figuratively
  • to produce or provide food for (someone or something)
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entire adjective [ɪnˈtajɚ]
  • complete or full : not lacking or leaving out any part
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deserve verb [dɪˈzɚv]
  • —used to say that someone or something should or should not have or be given something —often followed by to + verb
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definite adjective [ˈdɛfənɪt]
  • said or done in such a way that others know exactly what you mean
  • not likely to change : already set or decided
  • confident or certain about doing something or that something will happen
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contest noun [ˈkɑːnˌtɛst]
  • an event in which people try to win by doing something better than others
  • a struggle or effort to win or get something
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charge verb [ˈtʃɑɚʤ]
  • to give an amount of electricity to (something) : to put electricity into a battery so that a machine or device will run
  • to give a job or responsibility to (a person or group) : to make (a person or group) responsible for something—usually used as (be) charged—usually + with
  • to formally accuse (someone) of a crime—usually + with
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bulge noun [ˈbʌlʤ]
  • a rounded lump on the surface of something
  • a sudden increase
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mess noun [ˈmɛs]
  • a very dirty or untidy state or condition—usually singular
  • something or someone that looks very dirty or untidy
  • a situation that is very complicated or difficult to deal with
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making noun [ˈmeɪkɪŋ]
  • the action or process of producing or making something —often used in combination
  • something that causes someone to become better or more successful
  • the people or things that are needed for making something
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urge verb [ˈɚʤ]
  • to ask people to do or support (something) in a way that shows that you believe it is very important
  • to try to persuade (someone) in a serious way to do something
  • to use force or pressure to move (someone or something) in a particular direction or at a particular speed