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civil adjective [ˈsɪvəl]
  • of or relating to the people who live in a country
  • of or relating to the regular business of the people in a city, town, state, etc. : not connected to the military or to a religion
  • polite but not friendly : only as polite as a person needs to be in order to not be rude
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suggestion noun [səˈʤɛstʃən]
  • an idea about what someone should do or how someone should behave
  • something that is said in an indirect way
  • an action, quality, appearance, etc., that seems to indicate the presence or existence of something —usually singular
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model noun [ˈmɑːdl̟]
  • a usually small copy of something
  • a particular type or version of a product (such as a car or computer)
  • a set of ideas and numbers that describe the past, present, or future state of something (such as an economy or a business)
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thunderstruck adjective [ˈθʌndɚˌstrʌk]
  • feeling sudden and great surprise or shock
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odd adjective [ˈɑːd]
  • strange or unusual : different from what is normal or expected
  • happening in a way that is not planned or regular
  • of different kinds or types
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raft noun [ˈræft]
  • a flat structure that is used for floating or sailing on water
  • a plastic or rubber boat that you have to fill with air in order to use
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shipwreck noun [ˈʃɪpˌrɛk]
  • the destruction or sinking of a ship at sea
  • a ruined or destroyed ship —sometimes used figuratively
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necktie noun [ˈnɛkˌtaɪ]
  • a long piece of cloth that is worn by men around the neck and under a collar and that is tied in front with a knot at the top —called also tie
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consequence noun [ˈkɑːnsəˌkwɛns]
  • something that happens as a result of a particular action or set of conditions
  • importance or value
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advocate noun [ˈædvəkət]
  • a person who argues for or supports a cause or policy
  • a person who works for a cause or group
  • a person who argues for the cause of another person in a court of law : lawyer
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fifty noun [ˈfɪfti]
  • the number 50
  • the numbers ranging from 50 to 59
  • a set of years ending in digits ranging from 50 to 59
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elevator noun [ˈɛləˌveɪtɚ]
  • a machine used for carrying people and things to different levels in a building —called also (British) lift
  • a tall building for storing grain —called also grain elevator
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direct verb [dəˈrɛkt]
  • to cause (someone or something) to turn, move, or point in a particular way
  • to cause (someone's attention, thoughts, emotions, etc.) to relate to a particular person, thing, goal, etc.
  • to say (something) to a particular person or group
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die verb [ˈdaɪ]
  • to stop living
  • to end life in a specified state or condition—followed by an adjective, noun, or noun phrase
  • to have or suffer (a specified kind of death)
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dial noun [ˈdajəl]
  • the part of a clock or watch that has the numbers on it
  • the part of a piece of equipment that shows the measurement of something with a moving piece (such as a needle) that points to a number
  • a round part on a piece of equipment that you turn to operate something: such as
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delight noun [dɪˈlaɪt]
  • a strong feeling of happiness : great pleasure or satisfaction
  • something that makes you very happy : something that gives you great pleasure or satisfaction