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wax noun [ˈwæks]
  • a hard substance that becomes soft when it is heated and that is used to make various products (such as candles, crayons, or polish) —often used before another noun
  • a natural sticky substance that is produced inside the ear : earwax
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chink noun [ˈtʃɪŋk]
  • a small crack : a narrow opening or space—usually + in
  • a small amount of light shining through a crack
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project noun [ˈprɑːˌʤɛkt]
  • a planned piece of work that has a specific purpose (such as to find information or to make something new) and that usually requires a lot of time
  • a task or problem in school that requires careful work over a long period of time
  • housing project—usually plural
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snowflake noun [ˈsnoʊˌfleɪk]
  • a small, soft piece of frozen water that falls from the sky as snow : a flake of snow
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single adjective [ˈsɪŋgəl]
  • not having or including another : only one —sometimes used to emphasize the largeness or importance of something —sometimes used in negative statements to emphasize that there is a complete lack of something
  • not married or not having a serious romantic relationship with someone
  • —used for emphasis after words like any, each, every, etc.
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arrest verb [əˈrɛst]
  • to use the power of the law to take and keep (someone, such as a criminal) —often used as (be) arrested
  • to stop the progress or movement of (something)
  • to attract and hold the attention of (someone or something)
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area noun [ˈerijə]
  • a part or section within a larger place : region
  • a section of space within a building, room, etc.
  • a part of the surface of something (such as a person's body or a piece of cloth)
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album noun [ˈælbəm]
  • a book with blank pages in which you put a collection of photographs, stamps, etc.
  • a long musical recording on a record, CD, etc., that usually includes a set of songs
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action noun [ˈækʃən]
  • something that a person or group does —often used with take
  • things done to achieve a particular purpose —often used with take
  • fighting that happens in a war
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secretary noun [ˈsɛkrəˌteri]
  • a person whose job is to handle records, letters, etc., for another person in an office
  • a person in a club or other organization who is in charge of keeping letters and records
  • an official who is selected by the President and is in charge of a particular department of the government
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seal verb [ˈsiːl]
  • to close (something) tightly so that air, liquid, etc., cannot get in or out —often + up
  • to close (an envelope, bag, etc.) by sticking or pressing two of its parts together
  • to become closed tightly
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scared adjective []
  • afraid of something : nervous or frightened —often + of
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sadly adverb [ˈsædli]
  • in a way that shows sadness or unhappiness
  • in a way that causes feeling of sadness, disappointment, regret, etc. —sometimes used for emphasis
  • unfortunately—used to say that something is disappointing, sad, etc.
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recording noun [rɪˈkoɚdɪŋ]
  • music, sounds, or images that have been stored on a record, CD, computer, etc., so that they can be heard or seen again
  • the act or process of storing sounds or images on tape or a disk—usually used before another noun
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rear noun [ˈriɚ]
  • the part of something that is opposite to or away from the front part : the back part of something —often + of
  • the part of your body that you sit on : buttocks—usually singular
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pint noun [ˈpaɪnt]
  • a unit for measuring liquids that is equal to 0.473 liters
  • a unit for measuring liquids that is equal to 0.568 liters
  • a container that holds a pint of something
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photograph noun [ˈfoʊtəˌgræf]
  • a picture made by a camera —called also photo