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faction noun [ˈfækʃən]
  • a group within a larger group that has different ideas and opinions than the rest of the group
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melee noun [ˈmeɪˌleɪ]
  • a confused struggle or fight involving many people—usually singular
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heat noun [ˈhiːt]
  • energy that causes things to become warmer
  • hot weather or temperatures —often used with the
  • the level of temperature that is used to cook something —usually singular
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highway noun [ˈhaɪˌweɪ]
  • a main road that connects cities, towns, etc.
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national adjective [ˈnæʃənl̟]
  • of or relating to an entire nation or country
  • owned and controlled or operated by a national government
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ninety noun [ˈnaɪnti]
  • the number 90
  • the numbers ranging from 90 to 99
  • a set of years ending in digits ranging from 90 to 99
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traveler noun []
  • someone who is traveling or who travels often
  • a person who moves around from place to place instead of living in one place for a long time
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sickly adjective [ˈsɪkli]
  • often affected by a disease or illness : not healthy and strong
  • caused by or relating to sickness
  • causing a person to feel sick
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cumbersome adjective [ˈkʌmbɚsəm]
  • hard to handle or manage because of size or weight
  • complicated and hard to do
  • long and difficult to read, say, etc.
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disobey verb [ˌdɪsəˈbeɪ]
  • to not do what someone or something with authority tells you to do : to refuse or fail to obey rules, laws, etc.
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thirst noun [ˈθɚst]
  • an uncomfortable feeling that is caused by the need for something to drink
  • a very great need for something to drink
  • a strong desire for something
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faint adjective [ˈfeɪnt]
  • not clearly seen, heard, tasted, felt, etc.
  • very slight or small
  • weak and dizzy
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crash verb [ˈkræʃ]
  • to hit something hard enough to cause serious damage or destruction —often + into
  • to damage (a vehicle) by causing it to hit something
  • to make a loud noise by falling, hitting something, etc. —sometimes used figuratively
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discourage verb [dɪˈskɚrəʤ]
  • to make (someone) less determined, hopeful, or confident —often used (be/get) discouraged
  • to make (something) less likely to happen
  • to try to make people not want to do (something)
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admit verb [ədˈmɪt]
  • to say usually in an unwilling way that you accept or do not deny the truth or existence of (something)
  • to let in (someone or something): such as
  • to allow (someone) to enter a place
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acquaintance noun [əˈkweɪntn̩s]
  • someone who is known but who is not a close friend
  • the state of knowing someone in a personal or social way : the state of knowing someone as an acquaintance
  • knowledge about something—+ with
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rise verb [ˈraɪz]
  • to move upward —often + up —sometimes used figuratively
  • to become higher
  • to slope or extend upward —often + up
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complete adjective [kəmˈpliːt]
  • having all necessary parts : not lacking anything —often used in book titles
  • not limited in any way —often used for emphasis
  • not requiring more work : entirely done or completed
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cart noun [ˈkɑɚt]
  • a wagon with two wheels that is pulled by an animal (such as a horse or donkey)
  • a small wheeled vehicle that is pushed: such as
  • a metal basket on wheels used to hold groceries while you are shopping —called also shopping cart, trolley