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trudge verb [ˈtrʌʤ]
  • to walk slowly and heavily because you are tired or working very hard
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ugly adjective [ˈʌgli]
  • unpleasant to look at : not pretty or attractive
  • unpleasant to hear
  • offensive or disgusting
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unbroken adjective [ˌʌnˈbroʊkən]
  • not damaged or broken
  • not interrupted : continuous
  • not beaten or improved upon : not surpassed
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package noun [ˈpækɪʤ]
  • a box or large envelope that is sent or delivered usually through the mail or by another delivery service
  • a wrapper or container that covers or holds something
  • something that comes in a container
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only adjective [ˈoʊnli]
  • alone in a class or category : existing with no other or others of the same kind—usually used with the or a possessive (such as my, her, its, their, John's, etc.)
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moment noun [ˈmoʊmənt]
  • a very short period of time
  • a particular time : a precise point in time
  • the present time
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medium noun [ˈmiːdijəm]
  • something that is sold in a medium size : something that is the middle size when compared with things that are larger and smaller
  • a particular form or system of communication (such as newspapers, radio, or television)
  • the materials or methods used by an artist
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lead verb [ˈliːd]
  • to guide someone to a place especially by going in front —often + to —often used as (be) led —often used figuratively
  • to go or be at the front part of (something)
  • to lie or go in a specified direction —often used figuratively
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grumpy adjective [ˈgrʌmpi]
  • easily annoyed or angered : having a bad temper or complaining often
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fierce adjective [ˈfirs]
  • very violent
  • eager to fight or kill
  • having or showing a lot of strong emotion : very strong or intense
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fragile adjective [ˈfræʤəl]
  • easily broken or damaged : very delicate : not strong
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heavy adjective [ˈhɛvi]
  • having great weight : difficult to lift or move
  • large in size and weight
  • having a particular weight
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stadium noun [ˈsteɪdijəm]
  • a very large usually roofless building that has a large open area surrounded by many rows of seats and that is used for sports events, concerts, etc.
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hopeless adjective [ˈhoʊpləs]
  • having or feeling no hope
  • unable to be changed
  • unable to be helped or improved : very bad
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campaign noun [kæmˈpeɪn]
  • a series of activities designed to produce a particular result —often used before another noun
  • a series of military battles, attacks, etc., designed to produce a particular result in a war
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group noun [ˈgruːp]
  • a number of people or things that are together or in the same place —often + of
  • a number of people who are connected by some shared activity, interest, or quality
  • a number of things that are related in some way
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compare verb [kəmˈpeɚ]
  • to say that (something) is similar to something else
  • to look at (two or more things) closely in order to see what is similar or different about them or in order to decide which one is better
  • to be as good or as bad as something else : to be on the same level or in the same category as something else—usually + with or to
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carpet noun [ˈkɑɚpət]
  • a heavy fabric cover for a floor
  • a thick covering : a thick layer of something