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gravity noun [ˈgrævəti]
  • a very serious quality or condition : the condition of being grave or serious
  • the natural force that tends to cause physical things to move towards each other : the force that causes things to fall towards the Earth
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steam noun [ˈstiːm]
  • the hot gas that is created when water is boiled
  • steam that is created by a machine and kept under pressure to provide power —often used before another noun
  • very small drops of water that form on a surface when warm air that contains a lot of water is cooled down
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shelter noun [ˈʃɛltɚ]
  • a structure that covers or protects people or things
  • a place that provides food and protection for people or animals that need assistance
  • a place to live
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construct verb [kənˈstrʌkt]
  • to build or make (something physical, such as a road, bridge, or building)
  • to make or create (something, such as a story or theory) by organizing ideas, words, etc.
  • to draw (a shape) according to a set of instructions or rules
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lecture noun [ˈlɛktʃɚ]
  • a talk or speech given to a group of people to teach them about a particular subject
  • a talk that criticizes someone's behavior in an angry or serious way
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professor noun [prəˈfɛsɚ]
  • a teacher especially of the highest rank at a college or university
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birch noun [ˈbɚtʃ]
  • a type of tree that has outer bark which can be pulled off easily —called also birch tree
  • the hard, pale wood of the birch
  • the punishment of being hit with a birch stick
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bandage noun [ˈbændɪʤ]
  • a covering (such as a strip of cloth) that protects or supports part of the body that has been hurt
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soccer noun [ˈsɑːkɚ]
  • a game played between two teams of 11 players in which a round ball is moved toward a goal usually by kicking —often used before another noun —called also (British) football
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sticker noun [ˈstɪkɚ]
  • a piece of paper with a picture or writing on it and a sticky substance on its back that is used to attach it to a surface
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click verb [ˈklɪk]
  • to cause (something) to make a short, sharp sound
  • to make a short, sharp sound : to make a click
  • to press a button on a mouse or some other device in order to make something happen on a computer —often + on
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Canadian noun [kəˈneɪdijən]
  • a person born, raised, or living in Canada
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who pronoun [ˈhuː]
  • what or which person or people—used when you do not know the name or identity of a person or group of people that you are talking about or asking about
  • —used to question a person's character or authority
  • —used in questions that are meant to say that no one would or would not do something, know something, etc.
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mask noun [ˈmæsk]
  • a covering for your face or for part of your face: such as
  • a covering used to hide or disguise your face
  • a covering used to protect your face or cover your mouth
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clump noun [ˈklʌmp]
  • a small ball or mass of something
  • a group of things or people that are close together
  • a loud, heavy sound made by footsteps
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collar noun [ˈkɑːlɚ]
  • a part of a piece of clothing that fits around a person's neck and is usually folded down
  • a band of leather, plastic, etc., worn around an animal's neck
  • a ring or band used to hold something (such as a pipe or a part of a machine) in place
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parade noun [pəˈreɪd]
  • a public celebration of a special day or event that usually includes many people and groups moving down a street by marching or riding in cars or on special vehicles (called floats)
  • a military ceremony in which soldiers march or stand in lines so that they can be examined by officers or other important people
  • a long series of people or things that come one after the other—usually singular—usually + of