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refuge noun [ˈrɛˌfjuːʤ]
  • shelter or protection from danger or trouble —often + in or from —often used figuratively
  • a place that provides shelter or protection —often + for
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trial noun [ˈtrajəl]
  • a formal meeting in a court in which evidence about crimes, disagreements, etc., is presented to a judge and often a jury so that decisions can be made according to the law
  • a test of the quality, value, or usefulness of something
  • a test of someone's ability to do something that is used to see if he or she should join a team, perform in a play, etc.
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suds noun [ˈsʌdz]
  • bubbles that form on top of water that contains soap —called also soapsuds
  • beer
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convict verb [kənˈvɪkt]
  • to prove that someone is guilty of a crime in a court of law
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obstacle noun [ˈɑːbstɪkəl]
  • something that makes it difficult to do something
  • an object that you have to go around or over : something that blocks your path
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chance noun [ˈtʃæns]
  • an opportunity to do something : an amount of time or a situation in which something can be done —often followed by to + verb
  • the possibility that something will happen —often + of —often plural —often + of
  • the way that events happen when they are not planned or controlled by people : luck
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tight adjective [ˈtaɪt]
  • difficult to move : fastened, attached, or held in a position that is not easy to move
  • fitting very close to your body
  • flat or firm from being pulled or stretched
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ripple verb [ˈrɪpəl]
  • to move in small waves
  • to pass or spread through or over (someone or something)
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broadcast verb [ˈbrɑːdˌkæst]
  • to send out (signals, programs, etc.) by radio or television
  • to tell (something that is private or secret) to many people
  • to throw (something, such as seeds) across a wide area of the ground
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sense noun [ˈsɛns]
  • one of the five natural powers (touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing) through which you receive information about the world around you —often + of
  • a physical feeling : something that your body experiences—usually + of
  • a particular feeling : an emotion that you are aware of —usually + of
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chill noun [ˈtʃɪl]
  • a cold feeling : a degree of cold that can be felt and that is usually unpleasant
  • a feeling of being cold
  • an illness that makes you feel cold
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flat adjective [ˈflæt]
  • having a smooth, level, or even surface : not having curves or bumps
  • having a wide, smooth surface and little thickness
  • very low and wide; also, of a shoe : having a flat heel or no heel
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shiny adjective [ˈʃaɪni]
  • having a smooth, shining, bright appearance
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safety noun [ˈseɪfti]
  • freedom from harm or danger : the state of being safe —often used before another noun
  • the state of not being dangerous or harmful
  • a place that is free from harm or danger : a safe place
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pretty adjective [ˈprɪti]
  • attractive to look at usually in a simple or delicate way —used especially of a girl or woman
  • pleasant to look at or listen to
  • large or impressive
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poem noun [ˈpowəm]
  • a piece of writing that usually has figurative language and that is written in separate lines that often have a repeated rhythm and sometimes rhyme
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license noun []
  • an official document, card, etc., that gives you permission to do, use, or have something —often used to refer specifically to a driver's license
  • freedom to act however you want to—followed by to + verb
  • the freedom of an artist, writer, etc., to change the way something is described or shown in order to produce a work of art
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syrup noun [ˈsirəp]
  • a sweet, thick liquid made of sugar and water with flavoring or medicine added to it
  • a sweet, thick liquid made from the juice of a fruit or plant