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tag noun [ˈtæg]
  • a small piece of cloth, paper, metal, etc., that is attached to something and that has information written on it
  • a name or phrase that is used to describe someone or something
  • a vehicle's license plates
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tin noun [ˈtɪn]
  • a soft, shiny, bluish-white metal that has many different uses
  • a container or plate made of metal
  • a decorative metal box with a cover or lid
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until preposition [ənˈtɪl]
  • up to (a particular time)—used to indicate the time when a particular situation, activity, or period ends
  • —used to indicate the time when something will happen, become true, etc.
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very adverb [ˈveri]
  • to a great degree : extremely—used for emphasis before adjectives and adverbs —often used in negative statements
  • —used to emphasize the exactness of a description
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where adverb [ˈweɚ]
  • at or in what place —sometimes + at in very informal speech
  • to what place —often + to
  • when or at what point
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copyright noun [ˈkɑːpiˌraɪt]
  • the legal right to be the only one to reproduce, publish, and sell a book, musical recording, etc., for a certain period of time
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clover noun [ˈkloʊvɚ]
  • a small plant that has usually three leaves on each stem and that usually has round flowers that are white, red, or purple
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bruise noun [ˈbruːz]
  • a dark and painful area on your skin that is caused by an injury
  • a dark area on a plant or piece of fruit that has been damaged
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bind verb [ˈbaɪnd]
  • to tie or wrap (something) with rope, string, etc.
  • to tie the hands or feet of a person to prevent escape or movement —sometimes used figuratively
  • to prevent free movement by fitting too tightly
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source noun [ˈsoɚs]
  • someone or something that provides what is wanted or needed
  • the cause of something (such as a problem)—usually + of
  • a person, book, etc., that gives information
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outstrip verb [ˌaʊtˈstrɪp]
  • to be or become better, greater, or larger than (someone or something)
  • to do better than (someone or something)
  • to go faster than (someone or something)
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unfold verb [ˌʌnˈfoʊld]
  • to spread or cause (something) to spread or straighten out from a folded position
  • to happen as time passes
  • to be told or made known
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present noun [ˈprɛzn̩t]
  • something that you give to someone especially as a way of showing affection or thanks : gift
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nickel noun [ˈnɪkəl]
  • a hard silver-white metal
  • a U.S. or Canadian coin that is worth five cents
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low adjective [ˈloʊ]
  • not rising or extending upward a great distance
  • extending or reaching upward less than other things of the same kind
  • not located far above the ground or another surface
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hunk noun [ˈhʌŋk]
  • a large lump or piece of something
  • an attractive man
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include verb [ɪnˈkluːd]
  • to have (someone or something) as part of a group or total : to contain (someone or something) in a group or as a part of something
  • to make (someone or something) a part of something
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ivy noun [ˈaɪvi]
  • a plant that has long stems and that often grows on the outsides of buildings —called also English ivy
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jingle noun [ˈʤɪŋgəl]
  • a light ringing sound that is made when metal objects hit each other
  • a short song that is easy to remember and that is used to help sell a product on television or radio