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early adverb [ˈɚli]
  • at or near the beginning of a period of time or a process, activity, series, etc.
  • before the usual or expected time
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doodle verb [ˈduːdl̟]
  • to draw something without thinking about what you are doing
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boast verb [ˈboʊst]
  • to express too much pride in yourself or in something you have, have done, or are connected to in some way
  • to have (something that is impressive)
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excitement noun [ɪkˈsaɪtmənt]
  • a feeling of eager enthusiasm and interest : the state of being excited
  • exciting activity
  • a quality that causes feelings of eager enthusiasm : an exciting quality
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exert verb [ɪgˈzɚt]
  • to use (strength, ability, etc.)
  • to cause (force, effort, etc.) to have an effect or to be felt
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become verb [bɪˈkʌm]
  • to begin to be or come to be something specified : to begin to have a specified quality
  • to look attractive on (someone) : to be flattering to (someone)
  • to be suitable for (someone) : to be proper for (someone)
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altogether adverb [ˌɑːltəˈgɛðɚ]
  • completely and fully : totally entirely —often used with not —often used for emphasis before another adverb
  • with everything added together : when everything is added up
  • in a general way : when everything is considered
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friendly adjective [ˈfrɛndli]
  • acting like a friend : kind and helpful
  • having or showing the feelings that friends have for each other
  • showing support or approval—usually + to or toward
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gather verb [ˈgæðɚ]
  • to bring (things or people) together into a group
  • to choose and collect (things)
  • to get or take (things) from different people or places and bring them together
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gooseberry noun [ˈguːsˌberi]
  • a small green berry that has a sour taste
  • an extra person who is present when two other people (such as lovers) want to be alone together—used especially in the phrase play gooseberry
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implore verb [ɪmˈploɚ]
  • to make a very serious or emotional request to (someone) : beg —usually followed by to + verb
  • to say (something) as a serious or emotional request
  • to ask or beg for (something) in a very serious or emotional way
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intend verb [ɪnˈtɛnd]
  • to plan or want to do (something) : to have (something) in your mind as a purpose or goal —usually followed by to + verb
  • to plan for or want (someone or something) to do or be something —usually followed by to + verb
  • to want (something that you control, provide, or have made) to be used for a particular purpose or by a particular person—often followed by to + verb —often + for —usually used as (be) intended —sometimes + as
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naughty adjective [ˈnɑːti]
  • behaving badly—used especially to describe a child who does not behave properly or obey a parent, teacher, etc. —sometimes used humorously to describe an adult who does something slightly wrong or improper
  • relating to or suggesting sex in usually a playful way
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pea noun [ˈpiː]
  • a small, round, green seed that is eaten as a vegetable and that is formed in a seed case (called a pod) of a climbing plant; also : a plant that produces peas
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pop verb [ˈpɑːp]
  • to suddenly break open or come away from something often with a short, loud noise
  • to make a short, loud noise
  • to cook (popcorn)
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quite adverb [ˈkwaɪt]
  • to a very noticeable degree or extent : very
  • —used to make a statement more forceful —often used with a, an, or the before a noun
  • completely or entirely