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pea noun [ˈpiː]
  • a small, round, green seed that is eaten as a vegetable and that is formed in a seed case (called a pod) of a climbing plant; also : a plant that produces peas
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pop verb [ˈpɑːp]
  • to suddenly break open or come away from something often with a short, loud noise
  • to make a short, loud noise
  • to cook (popcorn)
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quite adverb [ˈkwaɪt]
  • to a very noticeable degree or extent : very
  • —used to make a statement more forceful —often used with a, an, or the before a noun
  • completely or entirely
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rush verb [ˈrʌʃ]
  • to move or do something very quickly or in a way that shows you are in a hurry
  • to cause or force (someone) to do something too quickly —often + into
  • to do something too quickly and often with little thought, attention, or care —often + into
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safe adjective [ˈseɪf]
  • not able or likely to be hurt or harmed in any way : not in danger
  • not able or likely to be lost, taken away, or given away
  • not involving or likely to involve danger, harm, or loss
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shed verb [ˈʃɛd]
  • to get rid of (something)
  • to lose (leaves, skin, fur, etc.) naturally
  • to take off (something you are wearing)
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sieve noun [ˈsɪv]
  • a kitchen tool that has many small holes and that is used to separate smaller particles from larger ones or solids from liquids
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slip verb [ˈslɪp]
  • to slide out of the proper position
  • to lose your balance especially on a slippery surface —often + on
  • to move easily across or over something
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soft adjective [ˈsɑːft]
  • easy to press, bend, cut, etc. : not hard or firm
  • smooth and pleasant to touch
  • having a very light color : not strong or bright in color or tone
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somewhere adverb [ˈsʌmˌweɚ]
  • in, at, or to a place not known, named, or specified
  • close to a specified number, time, or amount—usually + around or between
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squeeze verb [ˈskwiːz]
  • to press together the parts and especially the opposite sides of (something)
  • to get or remove (something) by squeezing something —sometimes used figuratively
  • to pull back on (a gun's trigger) with your finger
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still adverb [ˈstɪl]
  • happening or existing before now and continuing into the present—used to say that an action or condition continues
  • in spite of that—used to say that something happens or is true even though there is something that might prevent it from happening or being true
  • without moving : without motion
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such adjective [ˈsʌtʃ]
  • —used to say that something is great in degree, quality, or number
  • —used to say that something has a quality that results in something specified
  • of the kind specified
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underneath preposition [ˌʌndɚˈniːθ]
  • below or beneath (something) : under
  • on the bottom of (something)
  • hidden below (an outward appearance)
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unfortunately adverb [ˌʌnˈfoɚtʃənətli]
  • —used to say that something bad or unlucky has happened
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without preposition [wɪˈðaʊt]
  • not having or including (something)
  • —used to say that someone is not with or is not involved with another person or group
  • not using (something specified)