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encourage verb [ɪnˈkɚrɪʤ]
  • to make (someone) more determined, hopeful, or confident —often used as (be) encouraged —sometimes followed by to + verb
  • to make (something) more appealing or more likely to happen
  • to make (someone) more likely to do something : to tell or advise (someone) to do something
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consider verb [kənˈsɪdɚ]
  • to think about (something or someone) carefully especially in order to make a choice or decision
  • to think about (something that is important in understanding something or in making a decision or judgment)
  • to think about (a person or a person's feelings) before you do something in order to avoid making someone upset, angry, etc.
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master noun [ˈmæstɚ]
  • someone who has control or power over others: such as
  • someone (especially a man) who has a servant or slave
  • someone (especially a man) who owns a pet (such as a dog)
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mill noun [ˈmɪl]
  • a building with machinery for grinding grain into flour
  • a machine for grinding grain
  • a small machine for grinding or crushing pepper, coffee, etc.
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hoe noun [ˈhoʊ]
  • a garden tool that has a flat blade on a long handle
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flop verb [ˈflɑːp]
  • to fall, lie, or sit down in a sudden, awkward, or relaxed way
  • to fail completely
  • to swing or move in a loose, awkward, or uncontrolled way
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during preposition [ˈdurɪŋ]
  • throughout the entire time of (an event, period, occurrence, etc.)
  • at some time in the course of (something)
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dear adjective [ˈdiɚ]
  • loved or valued very much —often + to
  • —used in writing to address someone
  • having a high price : expensive
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cousin noun [ˈkʌzən]
  • a child of your uncle or aunt —called also first cousin
  • a person who is related to you but not in a close or direct way
  • a person who is from another country but whose culture is similar to your own
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cabbage noun [ˈkæbɪʤ]
  • a leafy vegetable that has several forms; especially : one that grows in a tight round shape (called a head)
  • vegetable
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bunny noun [ˈbʌni]
  • a rabbit; especially : a young rabbit—used especially by children or when talking to children —called also bunny rabbit
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beyond adverb [biˈɑːnd]
  • on or to the farther part or side
  • to or until a later time
  • in addition
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handful noun [ˈhændˌfʊl]
  • an amount that you can hold in your hand —often + of
  • a small amount or number—often + of
  • someone or something that is difficult to control
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twilight noun [ˈtwaɪˌlaɪt]
  • the light from the sky at the end of the day when night is just beginning
  • the period when day is ending and night is beginning —often used before another noun
  • a period when something is ending —often used before another noun
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dread verb [ˈdrɛd]
  • to fear something that will or might happen