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enchantress noun [ɪnˈtʃæntrəs]
  • a woman who uses spells or magic : a sorceress or witch
  • a very interesting or beautiful woman
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impressive adjective [ɪmˈprɛsɪv]
  • deserving attention, admiration, or respect : making a good impression
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splendid adjective [ˈsplɛndəd]
  • very impressive and beautiful
  • very good : excellent
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grant verb [ˈgrænt]
  • to agree to do, give, or allow (something asked for or hoped for)
  • to give (something) legally or formally
  • to admit (something) although it does not agree with or support your opinion —often used in the form granted or granting to introduce a clause —often used in the form granted as an adverb
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length noun [ˈlɛŋθ]
  • the distance from one end of something to the other end : a measurement of how long something is
  • the size or extent of a piece of writing
  • the quality or state of being long
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uncle noun [ˈʌŋkəl]
  • the brother of your father or mother or the husband of your aunt
  • —used as a word that you say when you are being hurt in a fight to show that you admit being defeated and do not want to continue fighting
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patient adjective [ˈpeɪʃənt]
  • able to remain calm and not become annoyed when waiting for a long time or when dealing with problems or difficult people —often + with
  • done in a careful way over a long period of time without hurrying
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ache verb [ˈeɪk]
  • to produce a dull continuous pain : to hurt in a way that is constant but not severe —often used figuratively
  • to want or desire something or someone very much—often + for —often followed by to + verb
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bureau noun [ˈbjɚroʊ]
  • a government department or part of a government department in the U.S.
  • an office of a newspaper, magazine, etc., that is not the main office but is in an important city
  • an office or organization that provides services or information to the public
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sixpence noun [ˈsɪkspəns]
  • a coin formerly used in Britain that was worth six pennies
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own adjective [ˈoʊn]
  • —used to say that something belongs or relates to a particular person or thing and to no other—always used after a possessive (such as "my," "your," or "their")
  • —used to stress the fact that a person does or makes something without the help of other people—always used after a possessive
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haughty adjective [ˈhɑːti]
  • having or showing the insulting attitude of people who think that they are better, smarter, or more important than other people
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palace noun [ˈpæləs]
  • the official home of a king, queen, president, etc.
  • a very large and impressive house : mansion
  • a large and fancy public building —often used in the names of buildings
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shirt noun [ˈʃɚt]
  • a piece of clothing for the upper body that has sleeves and usually a collar and buttons down the front
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prick verb [ˈprɪk]
  • to make a very small hole in (something) with a sharp pointed object
  • to cause a sharp, painful feeling on or in (part of your body)
  • to make (someone) feel guilt, shame, regret, etc.
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flake noun [ˈfleɪk]
  • a small, thin piece of something
  • a strange or unusual person : oddball
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meal noun [ˈmiːl]
  • the foods eaten or prepared for eating at one time
  • a time or occasion when food is eaten : the act or time of eating a meal
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household noun [ˈhaʊsˌhoʊld]
  • the people in a family or other group that are living together in one house
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wine noun [ˈwaɪn]
  • an alcoholic drink made from the juice of grapes
  • an alcoholic drink made from plants or fruits other than grapes
  • a dark reddish-purple color