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aboard adverb [əˈboɚd]
  • on, onto, or within a train, a ship, an airplane, etc.
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doormat noun [ˈdoɚˌmæt]
  • a mat that you put on the floor or ground on one side of a door so that people can wipe the bottoms of their shoes on it
  • someone who is treated badly by other people and does not complain
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cellar noun [ˈsɛlɚ]
  • the part of a building that is entirely or partly below the ground : basement
  • the wines that are stored in a restaurant, in someone's home, etc. : wine cellar
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pretend verb [prɪˈtɛnd]
  • to act as if something is true when it is not true
  • to imagine and act out (a particular role, situation, etc.)
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fight verb [ˈfaɪt]
  • to use weapons or physical force to try to hurt someone, to defeat an enemy, etc. : to struggle in battle or physical combat —often + against
  • to be involved in (a battle, struggle, etc.)
  • to argue in an angry way
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string noun [ˈstrɪŋ]
  • a long, thin piece of twisted thread that you use to attach things, tie things together, or hang things
  • a group of objects that are connected with a string, wire, chain, etc.—+ of
  • a series of similar things—+ of
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roar verb [ˈroɚ]
  • to make the loud sound of a wild animal (such as a lion)
  • to make a long, loud sound —sometimes used figuratively
  • to laugh loudly
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lawyer noun [ˈlɑːjɚ]
  • a person whose job is to guide and assist people in matters relating to the law
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turkey noun [ˈtɚki]
  • a large American bird that is related to the chicken and that is hunted or raised by people for its meat
  • the meat of the turkey used as food —often used before another noun
  • something (such as a play or movie) that has failed
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trash noun [ˈtræʃ]
  • things that are no longer useful or wanted and that have been thrown away
  • a container where people put things that are being thrown away
  • something that is very low in quality
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subject noun [ˈsʌbʤɪkt]
  • the person or thing that is being discussed or described : topic
  • an area of knowledge that is studied in school
  • a person or thing that is being dealt with in a particular way—+ of
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sailor noun [ˈseɪlɚ]
  • a person who works on a boat or ship as part of the crew
  • someone who controls a boat or ship that has sails
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railroad noun [ˈreɪlˌroʊd]
  • a system of tracks on which trains travel —often used before another noun
  • a company that owns and operates trains
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dagger noun [ˈdægɚ]
  • a sharp pointed knife that is used as a weapon
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jewel noun [ˈʤuːl]
  • a valuable stone (such as a ruby or diamond) that has been cut and polished
  • a piece of jewelry (such as a necklace or a bracelet) that is made of valuable metal and precious stones—usually plural
  • someone or something that is highly valued or admired
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covenant noun [ˈkʌvənənt]
  • a formal and serious agreement or promise
  • a formal written agreement between two or more people, businesses, countries, etc.
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pass verb [ˈpæs]
  • to move past someone or something —often + by —often + by
  • to move past someone or something that is moving more slowly in the same direction
  • to move or go into or through a particular place —often + through