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capital adjective [ˈkæpətl̟]
  • in the form A, B, C, etc., rather than a, b, c : uppercase —sometimes used informally to give emphasis to a description
  • having the main offices of a government
  • having death as a possible punishment
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spare adjective [ˈspeɚ]
  • kept as something extra that can be used if it is needed
  • available to be used in whatever way you want
  • not needed by you and available to be shared or given to someone else
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sort noun [ˈsoɚt]
  • a group of people or things that have some shared quality : a particular kind or type of person or thing
  • a person of a particular type
  • the act of separating things and putting them in a particular order : the act of sorting things
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tape noun [ˈteɪp]
  • a long, narrow piece of material that is sticky on one side and that is used to stick things together or to cover or repair something
  • a thin piece of plastic that is coated with magnetic material on which information (such as sound or television images) may be stored —called also magnetic tape
  • something recorded on tape —called also tape recording
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swap verb []
  • to give something to someone and receive something in return : to trade or exchange (things)
  • to replace (something) with something else
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sticky adjective [ˈstɪki]
  • having a substance (such as glue or honey) on it that things easily attach to : covered in a substance that things stick to
  • tending to have things attach to it : tending to have things stick to it
  • unpleasantly warm and humid
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sidewalk noun [ˈsaɪdˌwɑːk]
  • a usually concrete path along the side of a street for people to walk on —called also (British) pavement
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sale noun [ˈseɪl]
  • the act of selling something : the exchange of goods, services, or property for money
  • the total amount of money that a business receives from selling goods or services
  • an event or occasion during which a business sells goods or services at prices that are lower than usual
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notice noun [ˈnoʊtəs]
  • information that tells you or warns you about something that is going to happen
  • a statement telling someone that an agreement, job, etc., will end soon
  • attention that people give to someone or something
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each adjective [ˈiːtʃ]
  • every one of two or more people or things considered separately
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careful adjective [ˈkeɚfəl]
  • using care
  • made, done, or said with care
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air noun [ˈeɚ]
  • the invisible mixture of gases (such as nitrogen and oxygen) that surrounds the Earth and that people and animals breathe
  • the space or sky that is filled with air
  • methods of travel that involve flying —often used before another noun
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ago adverb [əˈgoʊ]
  • in the past : before the present time : before now
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sell verb [ˈsɛl]
  • to exchange (something) for money
  • to make (something) available to be bought
  • to be able to be bought for a particular price—+ for or at