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astonishment noun [əˈstɑːnɪʃmənt]
  • a feeling of being very surprised : amazement
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resolve verb [rɪˈzɑːlv]
  • to find an answer or solution to (something) : to settle or solve (something)
  • to make a definite and serious decision to do something
  • to make a formal decision about something usually by a vote
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bride noun [ˈbraɪd]
  • a woman who has just married or is about to be married
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panic noun [ˈpænɪk]
  • a state or feeling of extreme fear that makes someone unable to act or think normally
  • a situation that causes many people to become afraid and to rush to do something—usually singular
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crouch verb [ˈkraʊtʃ]
  • to lower your body to the ground by bending your legs
  • to lie on the stomach close to the ground with the legs bent
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nest noun [ˈnɛst]
  • the place where a bird lays its eggs and takes care of its young
  • a place where an animal or insect lives and usually lays eggs or takes care of its young
  • a home where people live
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bellow verb [ˈbɛloʊ]
  • to shout in a deep voice
  • to make a deep, loud sound
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fancy adjective [ˈfænsi]
  • not plain or ordinary
  • very expensive and fashionable
  • done with great skill and grace
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grunt noun [ˈgrʌnt]
  • a short, low sound from the throat
  • a U.S. soldier especially in the Vietnam War
  • a person who does ordinary and boring work —often used in the phrase grunt work
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gaze verb [ˈgeɪz]
  • to look at someone or something in a steady way and usually for a long time
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nudge verb [ˈnʌʤ]
  • to touch or push (someone or something) gently
  • to push (someone) gently with your elbow in order to get that person's attention
  • to encourage (someone) to do something
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magnolia noun [mægˈnoʊljə]
  • a tree or tall bush that has white, pink, yellow, or purple flowers
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kneel verb [ˈniːl]
  • to move your body so that one or both of your knees are on the floor : to be in a position in which both of your knees are on the floor
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fern noun [ˈfɚn]
  • a type of plant that has large, delicate leaves and no flowers
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period noun [ˈpirijəd]
  • a length of time during which a series of events or an action takes place or is completed —often + of
  • a length of time that is very important in the history of the world, a nation, etc.
  • a time that is very important in the life of a person
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caption noun [ˈkæpʃən]
  • a sentence or group of words that is written on or next to a picture to explain what is being shown
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pant verb [ˈpænt]
  • to breathe hard and quickly —sometimes used figuratively
  • to say (something) while you are breathing quickly and heavily
  • to wish for or want something very eagerly—often + for or after —often followed by to + verb