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triceratops noun [traɪˈserəˌtɑːps]
  • a large dinosaur that had three horns on its head and that ate plants
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ladder noun [ˈlædɚ]
  • a device used for climbing that has two long pieces of wood, metal, or rope with a series of steps or rungs between them
  • a series of steps or stages by which someone moves up to a higher or better position
  • a long hole in a stocking : run
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gasp verb [ˈgæsp]
  • to breathe in suddenly and loudly with your mouth open because of surprise, shock, or pain
  • to breathe with difficulty : pant
  • to say (something) with quick, difficult breaths
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lean verb [ˈliːn]
  • to bend or move from a straight position
  • to cause (something) to bend or move from a straight position
  • to rest on or against something or someone for support
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patience noun [ˈpeɪʃəns]
  • the quality of being patient: such as
  • the ability to wait for a long time without becoming annoyed or upset
  • the ability to remain calm and not become annoyed when dealing with problems or with difficult people
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silence noun [ˈsaɪləns]
  • a lack of sound or noise : quiet
  • a situation, state, or period of time in which people do not talk
  • a situation or state in which someone does not talk about or answer questions about something
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pow interjection [ˈpaʊ]
  • —used to express the sound of an explosion, a gun firing, or a person hitting another person
  • —used to show that something has happened suddenly
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genius noun [ˈʤiːnjəs]
  • a very smart or talented person : a person who has a level of talent or intelligence that is very rare or remarkable
  • a person who is very good at doing something
  • great natural ability : remarkable talent or intelligence
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paddle noun [ˈpædl̟]
  • a long, usually wooden pole that has a wide, flat part at the end and is used to move and steer a small boat (such as a canoe)
  • an object with a short handle and a wide, flat part that is used to hit the ball in various games (such as table tennis)
  • any one of various tools or devices that are wide, flat, and thin
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fellow noun [ˈfɛloʊ]
  • a male person : a boy or man
  • a male companion of a girl or woman : boyfriend
  • a member of a group of people who have shared interests, activities, etc.—usually plural
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saturday noun [ˈsætɚˌdeɪ]
  • the day of the week between Friday and Sunday —abbr. Sat.
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rheumatism noun [ˈruːməˌtɪzəm]
  • a disease that causes stiffness and pain in the muscles and swelling and pain in the joints
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linen noun [ˈlɪnən]
  • a smooth, strong cloth made from flax
  • tablecloths, sheets, etc., made of linen or a similar cloth
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folk noun [ˈfoʊk]
  • people in general
  • —used to talk to a group of people in a friendly and informal way
  • a certain kind of people
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spectacle noun [ˈspɛktɪkəl]
  • a very impressive show
  • something that attracts attention because it is very unusual or very shocking—usually singular
  • a pair of lenses set into a frame and worn over the eyes : glasses
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fishmonger noun [ˈfɪʃˌmɑːŋgɚ]
  • a person or shop that sells fish
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housework noun [ˈhaʊsˌwɚk]
  • work (such as cleaning, cooking, or laundry) that is done to keep a house clean and running properly