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vision noun [ˈvɪʒən]
  • the ability to see : sight or eyesight
  • something that you imagine : a picture that you see in your mind
  • something that you see or dream especially as part of a religious or supernatural experience
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freeze verb [ˈfriːz]
  • to become a hard substance (such as ice) because of cold
  • to be very cold
  • to become blocked or unable to move because of ice
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paradise noun [ˈperəˌdaɪs]
  • a very beautiful, pleasant, or peaceful place that seems to be perfect
  • a place that is perfect for a particular activity or for a person who enjoys that activity
  • a state of complete happiness
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pain noun [ˈpeɪn]
  • the physical feeling caused by disease, injury, or something that hurts the body
  • mental or emotional suffering : sadness caused by some emotional or mental problem
  • someone or something that causes trouble or makes you feel annoyed or angry —often used in phrases like pain in the neck or (impolite) pain in the ass
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burn verb [ˈbɚn]
  • to give off heat, light, and gases
  • to contain a fire
  • to be on fire : to have or produce a flame
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bare adjective [ˈbeɚ]
  • not having a covering —sometimes used figuratively
  • not covered by clothing, shoes, a hat, etc.
  • not covered by leaves, grass, trees, or plants
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sorrow noun [ˈsɑroʊ]
  • a feeling of sadness or grief caused especially by the loss of someone or something
  • a cause of grief or sadness
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hunger noun [ˈhʌŋgɚ]
  • a very great need for food : a severe lack of food
  • an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach that is caused by the need for food
  • a strong desire : a strong desire for something or to do something
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apron noun [ˈeɪprən]
  • a piece of clothing that is worn on the front of the body over clothes to keep them from getting dirty
  • the part of a stage that is in front of the curtain —called also apron stage
  • the paved part of an airport where airplanes load or unload or are turned around
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cradle noun [ˈkreɪdl̟]
  • a bed for a baby that is usually designed to rock back and forth when pushed gently —sometimes used figuratively
  • the place where something begins—usually singular—usually + of
  • something that is used to hold or support something else
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merchant noun [ˈmɚtʃənt]
  • someone who buys and sells goods especially in large amounts
  • the owner or manager of a store
  • someone who is known for a particular quality, activity, etc.
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match noun [ˈmætʃ]
  • someone or something that is equal to or as good as another person or thing
  • two people or things that are suited to each other
  • someone or something that is suited to another person or thing—usually + for
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baker noun [ˈbeɪkɚ]
  • someone who bakes bread, cakes, etc.
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alive adjective [əˈlaɪv]
  • having life : living : not dead
  • continuing to exist
  • not yet defeated : still having a chance to win or succeed
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accident noun [ˈæksədənt]
  • a sudden event (such as a crash) that is not planned or intended and that causes damage or injury
  • an event that is not planned or intended : an event that occurs by chance
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shut verb [ˈʃʌt]
  • to close (something)
  • to become closed
  • to stop the services or activities of (a business, school, etc.) for a period of time or forever : close