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mischief noun [ˈmɪstʃəf]
  • behavior or activity that is annoying but that is not meant to cause serious harm or damage
  • a playful desire to cause trouble
  • harmful behavior
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lane noun [ˈleɪn]
  • a narrow road or path —often used in the names of streets
  • a part of road that is marked by painted lines and that is for a single line of vehicles
  • a narrow part of a track or swimming pool that is used by a single runner or swimmer in a race
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ride verb [ˈraɪd]
  • to sit on and control the movements of (a horse, motorcycle, bicycle, etc.)
  • to travel to a place as a passenger on or in (something that is moving, such as a bus, a train, or an elevator) (chiefly US)
  • to go on a mechanical ride at an amusement park or similar place
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rub verb [ˈrʌb]
  • to move something (such as your hand or an object) back and forth along the surface of (something) while pressing
  • to move (two things) back and forth against each other —often + together
  • to move back and forth many times against something in a way that causes pain or damage
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sharpen verb [ˈʃɑɚpən]
  • to make (something) sharp or sharper
  • to make (something) clearer or more distinct
  • to become clearer or more distinct
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loud adjective [ˈlaʊd]
  • making or causing a lot of noise : strong and noticeable in sound
  • noisy in a way that bothers other people
  • expressing ideas or opinions in a very open and forceful way—+ in
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hug verb [ˈhʌg]
  • to put your arms around someone especially as a way of showing love or friendship
  • to hold (something) tightly with your arms
  • to stay close to (something)
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gentle adjective [ˈʤɛntl̟]
  • having or showing a kind and quiet nature : not harsh or violent
  • not hard or forceful
  • not strong or harsh in effect or quality
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excite verb [ɪkˈsaɪt]
  • to cause feelings of enthusiasm in (someone) : to make (someone) feel energetic and eager to do something
  • to cause (a particular emotion or reaction) to be felt or to happen
  • to increase the activity of (something, such as nerve tissue)
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double adjective [ˈdʌbəl]
  • made of two parts that are similar or exactly the same
  • having two very different parts or qualities
  • of a size that is twice as big as usual : of an amount that is twice as much as usual
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crowd verb [ˈkraʊd]
  • to fill (something) so that there is little or no room for anyone or anything else : to take up much or most of the space in (an area or space)
  • to push or force (something) into a small space
  • to move into a small space—+ into or onto
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clutch verb [ˈklʌtʃ]
  • to hold onto (someone or something) tightly with your hand
  • to try to hold onto someone or something by reaching with your hand—usually + at
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beaver noun [ˈbiːvɚ]
  • a small animal that has thick, brown fur and a wide, flat tail, that cuts down trees with its teeth, and that builds dams and underwater houses with mud and branches—often used before another noun
  • the fur of a beaver —often used before another noun
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what pronoun [ˈwɑːt]
  • —used to ask for information about someone or something
  • —used to describe a question
  • —used to ask someone to say something again because you have not clearly heard or understood it —often used to show surprise about the thing that someone has just said
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how adverb [ˈhaʊ]
  • in what manner or way : by what means
  • for what reason : why
  • to what degree, extent, or amount—used before an adjective or adverb
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pack noun [ˈpæk]
  • a bag or bundle of objects that is carried on a person's or animal's back
  • a small paper or cardboard package in which small things are sold
  • the amount contained in one pack
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zipper noun [ˈzɪpɚ]
  • a device that is made of two rows of metal or plastic teeth and another piece that slides over the teeth to make them fit together or come apart and that is used to fasten clothing, open or close bags, etc. —called also (British) zip
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clock noun [ˈklɑːk]
  • a device that shows what time it is and that is usually placed in a room or attached to a wall —often used before another noun
  • a clock that is used in sports and that shows how much time remains for a particular part of a game
  • time clock
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brand noun [ˈbrænd]
  • a category of products that are all made by a particular company and all have a particular name —often + of
  • a particular kind or type of something
  • a mark that is burned into the skin of an animal (such as a cow) to show who owns the animal