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ripe adjective [ˈraɪp]
  • fully grown and developed and ready to be eaten —sometimes used figuratively
  • ready or suitable for something—usually + for
  • brought to full flavor or the best state by being stored for a period of time
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cherry noun [ˈtʃeri]
  • a small round fruit that is usually red or black
  • a tree on which this fruit grows —called also cherry tree
  • the wood of a cherry tree —called also cherry wood
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log noun [ˈlɑːg]
  • a long, heavy section of a tree that has fallen or been cut down
  • a thick piece of wood
  • the record of travel by a ship or airplane
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reader noun [ˈriːdɚ]
  • a person who reads a book, magazine, newspaper, etc. —often + of
  • a machine that is used for reading text or information that is stored on film, tape, etc.
  • a book that is used to learn how to read or to practice reading in your own language or in a foreign language
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leap verb [ˈliːp]
  • to jump from a surface
  • to jump over (something)
  • to move quickly —often used figuratively
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lightning noun [ˈlaɪtnɪŋ]
  • the flashes of light that are produced in the sky during a storm
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thunder noun [ˈθʌndɚ]
  • the very loud sound that comes from the sky during a storm : the sound that follows a flash of lightning
  • a loud noise that sounds like thunder
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village noun [ˈvɪlɪʤ]
  • a small town in the country
  • the people who live in a village
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rascal noun [ˈræskəl]
  • a person and especially a young person who causes trouble or does things that annoy people
  • a cruel or dishonest man
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entrance noun [ˈɛntrəns]
  • the act of entering something
  • something (such as a door) that is used for entering something
  • the right to enter something —often used before another noun
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cricket noun [ˈkrɪkət]
  • a small black insect that jumps high and that makes loud, high-pitched noises
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hound noun [ˈhaʊnd]
  • a dog; especially : a type of dog that has a very good sense of smell and is trained to hunt
  • a person who is very determined to get something especially for a collection : a very enthusiastic collector
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prison noun [ˈprɪzn̩]
  • a building where people are kept as punishment for a crime or while they are waiting to go to court —often used before another noun
  • a place or situation from which you cannot escape
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prevent verb [prɪˈvɛnt]
  • to stop (something) from happening or existing
  • to make (someone or something) not do something : to stop (someone or something) from doing something —often used without from in British English
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wooden adjective [ˈwʊdn̩]
  • made of wood
  • awkward or stiff : not having or showing any emotion, energy, etc.
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furniture noun [ˈfɚnɪtʃɚ]
  • chairs, tables, beds, etc., that are used to make a room ready for use
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dapper adjective [ˈdæpɚ]
  • having a neat appearance : dressed in attractive clothes
  • attractive and of high quality
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service noun [ˈsɚvəs]
  • an organization, company, or system that provides something to the public
  • work done by an organization or person that does not involve producing goods —often plural
  • work done for a business or organization : employment