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tomato noun [təˈmeɪtoʊ]
  • a round, soft, red fruit that is eaten raw or cooked and that is often used in salads, sandwiches, sauces, etc. —often used before another noun
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demon noun [ˈdiːmən]
  • an evil spirit
  • a person who has a lot of energy or enthusiasm
  • something that causes a person to have a lot of trouble or unhappiness—usually plural
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dimple noun [ˈdɪmpəl]
  • a small area on a part of a person's body (such as the cheek or chin) that naturally curves in
  • a small area on a surface that curves in
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haunch noun [ˈhɑːntʃ]
  • the upper part of a person's or animal's leg; especially : the upper part of an animal's rear leg used as meat
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lord noun [ˈloɚd]
  • a man who has power and authority: such as
  • a man who ruled over a large area of land in the Middle Ages
  • a very powerful criminal
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scrub noun [ˈskrʌb]
  • small bushes and trees
  • land that is covered with small bushes and trees
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arrival noun [əˈraɪvəl]
  • the act of coming to or reaching a place : the act of arriving
  • someone or something that has come to a place : someone or something that has arrived
  • the time when something begins or happens
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buck noun [ˈbʌk]
  • dollar
  • money
  • a male animal (such as a male deer)
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thicket noun [ˈθɪkət]
  • a group of bushes or small trees that grow close together —often used figuratively
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rocket noun [ˈrɑːkət]
  • a type of very powerful engine that is powered by gases that are released from burning fuel —often used before another noun
  • a spacecraft or missile that is powered by a rocket engine
  • a firework that goes high in the air before exploding —called also skyrocket
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lame adjective [ˈleɪm]
  • having an injured leg or foot that makes walking difficult or painful
  • not strong, good, or effective : weak
  • not smart or impressive
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mile noun [ˈmajəl]
  • a unit of measurement equal to 5,280 feet (about 1,609 meters) —often used figuratively
  • a great distance —often used figuratively
  • a race that is a mile long
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cub noun [ˈkʌb]
  • a young animal that eats meat
  • cub scout
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robber noun [ˈrɑːbɚ]
  • a criminal who steals money or property : a thief who robs people
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rogue noun [ˈroʊg]
  • a man who is dishonest or immoral
  • a man who causes trouble in a playful way
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perch verb [ˈpɚtʃ]
  • to sit on or be on something high or on something from which it is easy to fall—usually + on
  • to put (someone or something) on something high or on something from which it is easy to fall —usually used as (be) perched
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musician noun [mjuˈzɪʃən]
  • a person who writes, sings, or plays music
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signal noun [ˈsɪgnl̟]
  • an event or act which shows that something exists or that gives information about something : sign —often + of
  • something (such as a sound, a movement of part of the body, or an object) that gives information about something or that tells someone to do something
  • a piece of equipment with colored lights that is used on railways and roads to tell people when to go, to slow down, or to stop
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spark noun [ˈspɑɚk]
  • a small piece of burning material that comes from a fire or is produced by rubbing or hitting two hard objects together
  • a short, bright flash of electricity between two points
  • a quality that makes someone or something enjoyable, interesting, successful, etc.