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weak adjective [ˈwiːk]
  • having little physical power or ability : not strong
  • having little power or force
  • likely to break or stop working properly : not able to handle weight, pressure, or strain
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wit noun [ˈwɪt]
  • an ability to say or write things that are clever and usually funny
  • a person who is known for making clever and funny remarks
  • the ability to think or reason
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hearth noun [ˈhɑɚθ]
  • the floor in front of or inside a fireplace
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daily adjective [ˈdeɪli]
  • happening, done, made, used, or existing every day
  • published every day or every day except Sunday
  • of or relating to one day
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content noun [ˈkɑːnˌtɛnt]
  • the things that are in something
  • the ideas, facts, or images that are in a book, article, speech, movie, etc.
  • the amount of something that is in something else
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companion noun [kəmˈpænjən]
  • a person or animal you spend time with or enjoy being with —sometimes used figuratively
  • someone you are with
  • something that is meant to be used with something else—often + to
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refrigerator noun [rɪˈfrɪʤəˌreɪtɚ]
  • a device or room that is used to keep things (such as food and drinks) cold —called also fridge
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ribbon noun [ˈrɪbən]
  • a narrow piece of cloth (such as silk) that is used to tie things or for decoration
  • a short piece of cloth that is given as a military award
  • a piece of colored cloth that is given as an award in a competition
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scorpion noun [ˈskoɚpijən]
  • a small animal related to spiders that has two front claws and a curved tail with a poisonous stinger at the end
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sled noun [ˈslɛd]
  • a small vehicle that has a flat bottom or long, narrow strips of metal or wood on the bottom and that is used for moving over snow or ice —called also (British) sledge
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size noun [ˈsaɪz]
  • the total amount of physical space that a person or thing occupies : how large or small someone or something is
  • the total number of people or things in a group
  • the very large size of something
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spoil verb [ˈspojəl]
  • to have a bad effect on (something) : to damage or ruin (something)
  • to decay or lose freshness especially because of being kept too long
  • to give (someone, such as a child) everything that he or she wants : to have a bad effect on (someone) by allowing too many things or by not correcting bad behavior —often used as (be) spoiled —sometimes used figuratively
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sudden adjective [ˈsʌdn̩]
  • happening, coming, or done very quickly in a way that is usually not expected
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trudge verb [ˈtrʌʤ]
  • to walk slowly and heavily because you are tired or working very hard
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ugly adjective [ˈʌgli]
  • unpleasant to look at : not pretty or attractive
  • unpleasant to hear
  • offensive or disgusting
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unbroken adjective [ˌʌnˈbroʊkən]
  • not damaged or broken
  • not interrupted : continuous
  • not beaten or improved upon : not surpassed
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package noun [ˈpækɪʤ]
  • a box or large envelope that is sent or delivered usually through the mail or by another delivery service
  • a wrapper or container that covers or holds something
  • something that comes in a container
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only adjective [ˈoʊnli]
  • alone in a class or category : existing with no other or others of the same kind—usually used with the or a possessive (such as my, her, its, their, John's, etc.)