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cable noun [ˈkeɪbəl]
  • a thick, strong rope made of wires that are twisted together
  • a wire that moves a part in a machine
  • a group of wires, glass fibers, etc., covered in plastic or rubber and used to carry electricity or electrical signals
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cabinet noun [ˈkæbnɪt]
  • a piece of furniture that is used for storing things and usually has doors and shelves
  • a group of people who give advice to the leader of a government
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boyfriend noun [ˈboɪˌfrɛnd]
  • a man that someone is having a romantic or sexual relationship with
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bomb noun [ˈbɑːm]
  • a device that is designed to explode in order to injure or kill people or to damage or destroy property —often used before another noun
  • nuclear weapons
  • something that is a complete failure—usually singular
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board noun [ˈboɚd]
  • a long, thin, flat piece of wood
  • a flat piece of material (such as wood or cardboard) that is used for a special purpose
  • bulletin board
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blade noun [ˈbleɪd]
  • the flat sharp part of a weapon or tool that is used for cutting
  • one of the flat spinning parts that are used on some machines to push air or water
  • the wide flat part of an oar or paddle
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attack verb [əˈtæk]
  • to act violently against (someone or something) : to try to hurt, injure, or destroy (something or someone) —often used as (be) attacked
  • to criticize (someone or something) in a very harsh and severe way
  • to begin to work on or deal with (something, such as a problem) in a determined and eager way
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atom noun [ˈætəm]
  • the smallest particle of a substance that can exist by itself or be combined with other atoms to form a molecule
  • a very small amount of something
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article noun [ˈɑɚtɪkəl]
  • a piece of writing about a particular subject that is included in a magazine, newspaper, etc.
  • a particular kind of object —sometimes used figuratively
  • a separate part of a legal document that deals with a single subject
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America [əˈmerəkə]
  • the continent of North America or the continent of South America
  • lands of the Western Hemisphere
  • united states of america
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alcohol noun [ˈælkəˌhɑːl]
  • a clear liquid that has a strong smell, that is used in some medicines and other products, and that is the substance in liquors (such as beer, wine, or whiskey) that can make a person drunk
  • drinks containing alcohol
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aim verb [ˈeɪm]
  • to point (a weapon) at a target
  • to point (a device) at something
  • to direct (something, such as a missile, a ball, a punch, or a kick) at a target
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aid verb [ˈeɪd]
  • to provide what is useful or necessary : help —usually + in
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addition noun [əˈdɪʃən]
  • the act or process of joining something to something else : the act or process of adding something—often + of
  • the act or process of adding numbers
  • something or someone more that is included : something or someone that is added —usually + to
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accent noun [ˈækˌsɛnt]
  • a way of pronouncing words that occurs among the people in a particular region or country
  • greater stress or force given to a syllable of a word in speech
  • a mark (such as ˈ or ˌ) used to show the part of a word that should be given greater stress when it is spoken —called also accent mark
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absent adjective [ˈæbsənt]
  • not present at a usual or expected place —often + from
  • not present at all : not existing —sometimes + from
  • showing that a person is thinking about something else : showing a lack of attention to what is happening or being said
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abroad adverb [əˈbrɑːd]
  • in or to a foreign country
  • going from one person to the next : talked about or known about by many people
  • away from your home