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oil noun [ˈojəl]
  • a thick, black liquid that comes from the ground and that is used in making various products (such as gasoline) —often used before another noun
  • a type of oil that is used as a fuel to produce heat or light
  • a type of oil that makes the different parts in an engine, machine, etc., run smoothly
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office noun [ˈɑːfəs]
  • a building or room in which people work at desks doing business or professional activities —often used before another noun
  • a room with a desk where a particular person works
  • a building or room where a doctor, lawyer, etc., works and meets with patients or clients
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offense noun []
  • something that causes a person to be hurt, angry, or upset
  • something that is wrong or improper—often + to —often + against
  • a criminal act
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off adverb [ˈɑːf]
  • away from a place
  • away from a main road, path, etc.
  • at a distance in time or space
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concern noun [kənˈsɚn]
  • a feeling of worry usually shared by many people
  • something that causes people to worry
  • a feeling of being interested in and caring about a person or thing
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drawing noun [ˈdrɑːɪŋ]
  • a picture, image, etc., that is made by making lines on a surface with a pencil, pen, marker, chalk, etc., but usually not with paint
  • the act or art of making a picture, image, etc., with a pencil, pen, marker, chalk, etc., but usually not with paint
  • an act of choosing something (such as a winning ticket) from a group without knowing which one you are choosing —often + for —called also (chiefly British) draw
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twin noun [ˈtwɪn]
  • either one of two babies that are born at the same time to the same mother
  • either one of two similar things that form a pair
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glance verb [ˈglæns]
  • to look at someone or something very quickly
  • to hit something and bounce off at an angle—usually + off
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priceless adjective [ˈpraɪsləs]
  • extremely valuable or important : invaluable
  • very funny
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French adjective [ˈfrɛntʃ]
  • of or relating to France, its people, or their language
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option noun [ˈɑːpʃən]
  • the opportunity or ability to choose something or to choose between two or more things
  • something that can be chosen : a choice or possibility
  • a right to buy or sell something for a specified price during a specified period of time
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packet noun [ˈpækət]
  • a small, thin package —called also (British) sachet
  • a package in which something is sold and bought
  • a group of things that have been gathered together for a particular purpose and usually put into a container (such as a folder or a large envelope)
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passport noun [ˈpæsˌpoɚt]
  • an official document issued by the government of a country that identifies someone as a citizen of that country and that is usually necessary when entering or leaving a country
  • something that allows a person to achieve something—+ to
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picnic noun [ˈpɪknɪk]
  • a meal that is eaten outdoors especially during a trip away from home
  • a trip or party that includes a meal eaten outdoors
  • something that is pleasant or easy —often used in negative statements
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pink noun [ˈpɪŋk]
  • a pale red color : a color that is a mixture of red and white
  • a plant with narrow leaves and colorful flowers
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post noun [ˈpoʊst]
  • a piece of wood or metal that is set in an upright position into or on the ground especially as a support or marker
  • a pole that marks the starting or finishing point of a horse race—usually singular
  • goalpost—usually singular
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press noun [ˈprɛs]
  • newspapers, magazines, and radio and television news reports —often used before another noun
  • the people (such as reporters and photographers) who work for newspapers, magazines, etc.
  • —used to talk about how often or how well or badly someone or something is described in newspapers, magazines, etc.
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pub noun [ˈpʌb]
  • a building or room especially in Britain or Ireland where alcoholic drinks and often food are served