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use verb [ˈjuːz]
  • to do something with (an object, machine, person, method, etc.) in order to accomplish a task, do an activity, etc. —often followed by to + verb —often + for —often + as
  • to take (something) from a supply in order to function or to do a task —often + up
  • —used to say that something is needed or to ask if something is needed or wanted—usually used with can or could
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windowsill noun [ˈwɪndoʊˌsɪl]
  • a narrow shelf that is attached to the bottom of a window
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unpack verb [ˌʌnˈpæk]
  • to take something out of a suitcase, box, etc.
  • to make (something) easier to understand by breaking it up into smaller parts that can be examined separately
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swoosh verb [ˈswuːʃ]
  • to make sound by moving quickly through the air
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supermarket noun [ˈsuːpɚˌmɑɚkət]
  • a store where customers can buy a variety of foods and usually household items
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stampede noun [stæmˈpiːd]
  • an occurrence in which a large group of frightened or excited animals or people run together in a wild and uncontrolled way to escape from something, get out of a place, etc.
  • a situation in which a lot of people try to do the same thing at the same time
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squawk verb [ˈskwɑːk]
  • to make a short, harsh cry
  • to complain or protest loudly or with strong feeling
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sill noun [ˈsɪl]
  • the shelf at the bottom of a window frame : windowsill
  • a piece of wood, metal, or stone at the bottom of a doorframe
  • the part of the frame of a car that is directly under its doors
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forth adverb [ˈfoɚθ]
  • out into notice or view : out
  • onward or forward in time or place
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dumb adjective [ˈdʌm]
  • not showing or having good judgment or intelligence : stupid or foolish
  • not requiring or resulting from intelligence
  • not able to speak especially after being shocked or surprised
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hangover noun [ˈhæŋˌoʊvɚ]
  • a sick feeling or condition that comes after drinking too much alcohol at an earlier time
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minimum noun [ˈmɪnəməm]
  • the lowest number or amount that is possible or allowed—usually singular —often + of
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doubt verb [ˈdaʊt]
  • to be uncertain about (something) : to believe that (something) may not be true or is unlikely
  • to have no confidence in (someone or something)
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rampage noun [ˈræmˌpeɪʤ]
  • an occurrence of wild and usually destructive behavior
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curse noun [ˈkɚs]
  • an offensive word that people say when they are angry : swearword
  • magical words that are said to cause trouble or bad luck for someone or the condition that results when such words are said
  • a cause of trouble or bad luck
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weave verb [ˈwiːv]
  • to make something (such as cloth) by crossing threads or other long pieces of material over and under each other
  • to create something (such as a story) by combining different things in usually a complicated way —often + together
  • to move from side to side while going forward especially in order to avoid the people or things that are in front of you
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system noun [ˈsɪstəm]
  • a group of related parts that move or work together
  • a body of a person or animal thought of as an entire group of parts that work together—usually singular
  • a group of organs that work together to perform an important function of the body
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fossil noun [ˈfɑːsəl]
  • something (such as a leaf, skeleton, or footprint) that is from a plant or animal which lived in ancient times and that you can see in some rocks —sometimes used before another noun
  • a person whose ideas are very old-fashioned or out-of-date